cackling geese

cackling geese

Those who warn of something that is about to happen. Thank goodness for the cackling geese outside who ran in and told us to lock down the building because there was a man with a gun roaming the streets. My wife is skeptical of them, but I always tune in to those cackling geese giving the weather report—I don't want to get caught in a blizzard!
See also: cackle, geese
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • thank goodness
  • Thank goodness!
  • just as
  • flush (someone or something) out of (some thing or place)
  • call around
  • have had enough of (someone or something)
  • install
  • install (something) in (someone or something)
  • install in
  • come to (someone's) aid
References in periodicals archive
The two species overlap extensively on migration and wintering areas outside of the breeding season, and yearlings and failed nesters from many Canada Goose populations undertake northward molt migrations in late May to June that can result in overlap with Cackling Geese in the Arctic during wing molt (e.g., Luukkonen et ah, 2008).
For the voice of the Father bare witness to thee, calling thee his beloved Son," they sang, nearly drowned out by cackling geese.
* Increased the daily bag limit on Canada and cackling geese from three to five in Ontario across most of the province.
A nearby park does offer me some solace with its space but it contains no pond full of cackling geese, nor a sky full of barn swallows.
Viral shedding was detected in each of the IN-inoculated birds (including all swan and goose species) at 1 dpe (average oropharyngeal titer at 1 day postinoculation: black swans, [10.sup.4.30] [EID.sub.50]/mL; mute swans, [10.sup.3.23] [EID.sub.50]/mL; trumpeter swans, [10.sup.4.17] [EID.sub.50]/mL; whooper swans, [10.sup.4.10] [EID.sub.50]/mL; bar-headed geese, [10.sup.3.83] [EID.sub.50]/mL; cackling geese, [10.sup.3.50] [EID.sub.50]/mL).
We can all be forgiven when a screaming low- flying jet or a flock of cackling geese forces us to look up, that's humannature.
The pro-boxing MP, who has branded MSPs opposed to the fight as "a bunch of cackling geese" said he was delighted the fight was coming to Scotland.
Breeding biology of cackling geese (Branta canadensis minima Ridgway) and associated species on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska.
Dietary selectivity in relationship to availability and quality of food for goslings of cackling geese. Auk 101:295-305.
Breeding biology of Cackling Geese and associated species on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska.
Cackling geese, calling tactics for ducks and geese, as well as using electronic dog collars to train, track and contain hunting dogs will be among the topics covered by experts during Waterfowl Night from 6 p.m.
What we thought were four cackling geese in the distance worked and worked but would not come closer ...
On the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta (YKD) of Alaska, broods of emperor geese (Chen canagica), black brant (Branta bernicla nigricans), and cackling geese (B.
Cackling geese and brant wandered around camp, and shorebird nests were everywhere.
Where is the federal accountability for lack of recovery of the dusky goose, that minority subspecies that is being used as an excuse for protecting hundreds of thousands of Great Basin, lesser, Taverners and cackling geese?