don't rock the boat

don't rock the boat

Don't say or do something that could upset a stable situation. None of my family members are fighting with each other right now, so please don't rock the boat by bringing up politics or any other controversial topics.
See also: boat, rock
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • don't cry before you are hurt
  • Don’t make a federal case out of it!
  • don't bet on it
  • don't get me wrong
  • don't beat a dead horse
  • all in (one's) head
  • a thing you don't want is dear at any price
  • come it
  • come it (with one)
References in periodicals archive
Seemingly referencing their tryst, Kaitlynn captioned the post: "Rock the boat, don't rock the boat baby."
"Rock the boat, don't rock the boat baby," she captioned the post, which caught the eye of none other than her 35-year-old ex-boyfriend, Jenner.
At the other end of the spectrum you have those that seek to help others and don't rock the boat. They are in the middle and seek win/win outcomes.
A boat has been hit or, more precisely, it has been destroyed, and you say, 'Don't rock the boat!'?
And so we have been inflicted with judges whose attitude is, 'don't rock the boat'.
And as long as you don't rock the boat, as they say, you are never off the bus.
In a world where power and wealth is mostly in the hands of men the general rule remains: Don't rock the boat love, men run the show, so best keep salmon bagel.
But I doubt that this will ever happen with the insular thinking mindsets of our politicians and Whitehall who only look at mundane, bog standard, don't rock the boat, steady state thinking.
I hope that the board don't rock the boat with more mistakes, they should stick with Murty's formula until the end of the season.
Your colleague has been in this organisation for five years, most probably doing the same job throughout and has no bold career aspiration, hence his obvious advise - keep to your lane, don't rock the boat, wait until you are noticed.
Don't rock the boat. There's something about those expressions that I've always found incredibly depressing.
Don't rock the boat, don't scare the banks, and the middle classes get their quiet life.
In an interview last month, Broderick said the message from her company was clear: "Don't rock the boat, don't speak up, toe the party line and your job will be safe."
This "don't rock the boat" mentality, according to Booth, is probably a big reason why Scandinavian countries have such "happy" people.
If you're happy together and she's happy doing what she's doing, then don't rock the boat - enjoy it.