back water

back water

To reverse direction suddenly, as on an opinion or stance on some subject. Refers to nautical terminology in which the oars of a ship or boat are reversed in the water so as to halt or change the course of the vessel. With public pressure mounting, the government is expected to back water on the new legislation.
See also: back, water
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

back water

Reverse a position, take back a statement, or otherwise retreat, as in We're sure that the senator will back water on raising taxes. This term literally refers to a vessel that moves backward in the water because its oars, paddles, or paddlewheel are reversed. It soon was transferred to other kinds of reversal. [Second half of 1700s]
See also: back, water
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
See also:
  • four sheets in the wind
  • four sheets to the wind
  • two sheets to the wind
  • sail before the wind
  • come on board
  • three sheets
  • three sheets in the wind
  • three sheets to the wind
  • four sheets
  • both sheets in the wind
References in classic literature
Where the mangroves ceased, and where high ground and a beaten runway came down to the water's edge, Van Horn motioned the rowers to back water and lay on their oars.
It was on a back water surrounded by scrub and forest, with a pretty border of smelly mud on one side, and on the three others inclosed by a crazy fence of rushes.
This sorry state of affairs is not only creating inconvenience to the people in the village but also holding back water from those that desperately need it.
It has also announced plans to build a visitor centre, cafe and facilities to bring back water sports and sailing boats to the reservoir.
IN the Brexit madness why does the border between Ireland (population barely five million - less than Greater Manchester and West Yorkshire, according to Wikipedia) and Northern Ireland (population 1.5 million) take centre stage - when in fact it's a back water ?
The company said it had started to augment the supply in reservoirs so it could bring back water service to the affected areas.
The Karkheh Dam in Iran is holding back water that would normally flow into the wetland.
Only three days back water level of Tarbela dam was almost three feet above dead level .
'The contradiction with our leaders of today is that while United Kingdom and United States that have earlier privatised their water more than 30 years ago are currently taking back water from private hands, Nigerian leaders are shamelessly pursuing the policy.
"If they attempt to bring back water charges by the back door, we believe there will be huge resistance."
It is in a popular back water position, yet within easy reach of the city centre and other areas of interest around.
In this week's edition of the Trib+Water newsletter: Some scientists fear a disaster waiting to happen when Houston's perfect storm comes, Mexico pays back water debt to U.S.
Authorities said the dam was built to hold back water and residue from mining operations, a mixture that can often be toxic.
Women and children have to walk miles every day to carry back water for the family.