After doing a full cost analysis on taking out a personal loan instead of just a
back-of-the-envelope calculation, you may find your holiday or home improvement costs a lot more than you originally thought.
Look for options before signing hot deals
back-of-the-envelope calculation suggests the lakes could have persisted or hundreds or even a few thousand years.
Martian volcano may have once harboured habitable environment
Consider this
back-of-the-envelope calculation of the Oregon program's cost to taxpayers.
Affordable Care Act arrives with benefits, costs
Some regulators do engage in a
back-of-the-envelope calculation by multiplying an average hourly wage rate and regulatory compliance hours, but many do not, in part because arriving at an acceptable value for an hourly wage rate is no small feat.
The unknown costs of Dodd-Frank
In fact, in a "
back-of-the-envelope calculation", the International Energy Agency estimates that western oil sanctions cost Iran $40 billion in lost revenues in 2012 as crude exports fell to an average 1.5 million barrels per day over the year -- a decline of around 1 mbpd from 2011 levels (based on an average price of $111.70/barrel of Brent oil).
Planning new deals
back-of-the-envelope calculation reveals that these numbers rival diesel efficiency and if mogas is factored into the equation, flying a 912 iS-equipped aircraft is substantially less expensive than the equivalent 912 ULS.
Rotax 912 iS efficiency: better than claimed: a year-long test by the company shows that the 912 iS delivers up to 30 percent better fuel economy than the 912 ULS. Its numbers rival diesel performance
"My own
back-of-the-envelope calculation suggests a yield of between 4 and 15 kilotons."
NKorean nuclear test may be intelligence windfall
back-of-the-envelope calculation, assuming a $100 million figure, suggests that this would lead to only a $100 credit to the poorest one-third, which comes out to be about $8 per month.
Want tax reform? Encourage business
back-of-the-envelope calculation derived from Adelson's company's financial filings shows that that 83 per cent works out to $1.99 billion.
Italy via China
The decision will help a third of its home loan customers of more than 17 lakh in bringing down interest payments by as much as two percentage points, or a gain of about Rs 6,000 a month on a 20-year, Rs 50-lakh mortgage, a
back-of-the-envelope calculation shows.
One source, who is not involved in the project but did a
back-of-the-envelope calculation, estimated it would take blended rents of about $110 per foot for the project to break even.
Pricing out the World Trade Center
If one calculates these percentage increases as national income projections over an 80-year period (providing for a 20-year delay before any school reform is completed and the newly proficient students begin their working careers), a
back-of-the-envelope calculation suggests gains of nothing less than $75 trillion over the period.
Globally Challenged: Are U.S. Students Ready to Compete? The Latest on Each State's International Standing in Math and Reading. PEPG 11-03
back-of-the-envelope calculation suggests Labour would lose 13 of their 29 seats in Wales, leaving them with fewer than half.
Sad toff hat tactic given Crewe cut
That means, by a
back-of-the-envelope calculation, there is one cancer cell for every 100 quadrillion normal bone marrow cells nationwide per year, he said.
Seven common myths about cancer debunked
That amounts to 120 issues, several hundred articles, and, by a
back-of-the-envelope calculation, over 3 million words--and counting.
Editor's introduction