
(let the) buyer beware

proverb It is the buyer's responsibility to be sure that they are not being cheated or overcharged. In no place is the adage "buyer beware" truer than when buying something off an online classifieds ad. It's no one's fault but your own if you paid good money for a dud of a car. Let the buyer beware.
See also: beware, buyer

a buyer's market

An economic situation in which supply is greater than demand, thereby resulting in lower prices, more choices, and greater leverage for the buyer. The opposite is called a seller's market. The recent advances in solar-panel technology have made it a buyer's market for those looking to integrate solar energy into their homes or businesses. I'd keep renting for now—if the real estate bubble bursts again, it will become a buyer's market for houses.
See also: market
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

Let the buyer beware.

Prov. Cliché When you buy something, you must take precautions against being cheated, because you cannot trust merchants to be honest about what they sell. Let the buyer beware when shopping for a used car. Several of the lamps among those Max offered for sale were broken. "If a customer isn't smart enough to try a lamp before he buys it, that's his problem," Max argued. "Let the buyer beware."
See also: beware, buyer, let
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

a ˌbuyer’s ˈmarket

a situation in which there is a lot of a particular item for sale, so that prices are low and people buying have a choice: We got a very good deal on our new car — it really is a buyer’s market at the moment. OPPOSITE: a seller’s market
See also: market
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • (let the) buyer beware
  • beware
  • Let the buyer beware
  • teach a man to fish
  • it takes a village
  • village
  • a place for everything, and everything in its place
  • best-laid plans go astray, the
  • the best-laid plans go astray
  • the best-laid plans of mice and men
References in periodicals archive
* Seller, Kay Ann Snider; buyer, William Walker; Deed; 8th Add Zeigler Lots 7 & 8 Blk 2.
In comparison, lesbian and gay buyers were the oldest buyers at 45 years old.
* First and foremost is the commission the buyer will need to pay.
But there was increased competition from investors, with the proportion of institutional or corporate buyers rising to 10% from 4% in 2009.
For those who are short of time and require a more selective appointment diary, we have the executive buyer option.
An unpaid seller can stop delivery even after passage to the buyer of title or risk of loss with respect to the goods.
Many other authors, however, have a broader definition of buyer power.
(3) Information in this paragraph is derived from Jemin Patel, "Establishing Mutual Equity for Buyers and Sellers with E-Sourcing," Contract Management, March 2005, 18-19.
For financial institutions, the availability of a closed-loop infrastructure between buyer and supplier is an undeniable opportunity.
During negotiations, buyers often make it the responsibility of the selling CPA to introduce the buyer to the clients; include the buyer in all client meetings; and transition client work to other firm members.
However, there doesn't appear to be any signs that buyers are waiting until the end of the summer to start building up stocks.
A hypothetical buyer would not take into account the tax consequences of distributing the assets in the IRAs, because the buyer would be purchasing the securities, not the IRAs themselves.
It also puts the onus on the buyer to provide payment to the seller upon acceptance of goods.
That amount, the estate argued, was the IRAs' fair market value--the amount a willing buyer would pay and a willing seller would accept in an arm's length transaction--as a buyer would consider future tax liability before determining a price.
However, too often the buyer wasn't told that for many reasons, it was pure conjecture as to when (or if) premiums would vanish as promised.