butt in
butt in
To interrupt someone or something. I'm sorry to butt in, but I have some information that might help. Mom is always using the phone in her office to butt in on my conversations!
See also: butt
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
butt in (on someone or something)
to interrupt someone or something. Pardon me for butting in on your conversation, but this is important. John butted in on Tom and Jane to tell them that the mail had come.
See also: butt
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
butt in
Interfere, interrupt, intrude. For example, Mom is always butting in on our conversations, or It's against the law for employers to butt in on personal matters. This term alludes to the thrusting of an animal with its horns. [Slang; 1890s]
See also: butt
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
butt in
To intrude upon or interrupt someone or something: You're always butting in my conversations, and I wish you'd stop. I can't believe that you butted in on that meeting! We were having a good talk until you butt in.
See also: butt
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs.
- butt into
- butt into (something)
- get your butt over here
- Get your butt over here!
- can’t find one’s butt with both hands
- can't find (one's) butt with both hands
- can't find butt with both hands
- (one's) butt is on the line
- clip a butt