It's not often that programme commissioners take their cues from Beavis and
Butthead, but this certainly has a ring of the Mike Judge creations' irreverent commentary about it, and it's at least as funny as that 1990s series.
Office Space IRONICALLY, Mike 'Beavis and
Butthead' Judge's '99 slacker comedy died a death at the box office because no one could be bothered to go see it.
Beavis and
Butthead know all about the pleasure of resistance.
Global transmission and local consumption: Navajo resistance to mainstream American television
Examples are drawn from Beavis and
Butthead, DuckTales, Futurama, and The Simpsons.
Teaching macroeconomic principles using animated cartoons
The film is the return of Mike Judge, the man behind Beavis and
Butthead, this time with Jason Bateman as the flavour-extract mogul selling his company until an accident throws his plans into disarray.
7 DVDS; Mickey McMonagle's guide to DVDs and Blu-ray
On telly people were watching Beavis and
Butthead, the X Files and Mr Blobby, and the must-have gadget was a wind-up radio.
Same delight but a different world
When MTV introduced "Beavis and
Butthead" to its lineup in 1993, it immediately stood out from any other cartoon marketed on a mass level.
America's judge: the creator of "Beavis and Butthead" turns his wit on multicultural liberalism
E.g., they discuss the ways in which the Beavis and
Butthead cartoon series satirizes the McDonalization (i.e.
Critical representations of work and organization in popular culture
It'll sell titles like "Beavis &
Butthead," "Jackass," and "Viva La Barn" in Sony's proprietary format.
PSP has its fingers on pulse after all
Former chaplains complained that he fired those who challenged him and that he referred to Rabbi Reeve Brenner as "the
butthead Jew" and "the crass Jew," reported the Religion News Service.
Lawmakers urge probe into NIH chaplain complaints
I'd even volunteer to be the
butthead if it would help.
Be it resolved in 2007
Jackass is a collection of imaginative stunts performed by a group of amateurs, who all look and talk like Beavis and
JACK-POTTY WINNERS; Stunning stunts in laugh-out-loud film of year JACKASS NUMBER 2 COMEDY Cert: 18
BUTTHEAD Cartoon about two teenagers who watch television and snigger at their own jokes and other people.
TIME TRAVELLER: Let us take you back to
Given that it's full of windbags like
Butthead Street-Porter and Anne Widdecombe shouldn't it be renamed Trumpy Old Women?
IAN HYLAND: Butcher's of the week
But I tell them, today's youngster, even though they were brought up by "Beavis and
Butthead" and "The Simpsons" and taught to enjoy halftime shows at the Super Bowl and that sort of stuff, even through all of that when properly led and motivated and with a sense of mission, they're no less dedicated, patriotic, intelligent than any generation that ever served.
Cultural awareness for an expeditionary military