autem bawler

autem bawler

obsolete A member of clergy, such as a priest, preacher, or parson. "Autem" is an obsolete slang word for church, so an "autem bawler" is one who shouts loudly from the church. That old autem bawler goes on and on about hellfire and damnation, but he's more crooked and corrupt than anyone I know.
See also: autem
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • autem
  • autem mort
  • gun
  • guns
  • bene
  • blimp
  • blimp out
  • brassic lint
  • flash on
  • flashing
References in periodicals archive
Nor the cognate Autem Quaver--Autem (church) features in several such diversely targeted compounds' Autem Bawler (parson): Autem Cacklers and Prickears (Dissenters of every denomination); Autem Cackle Tub (a conventicle or meeting-house for Dissenters); Autem Dippers (pickpockets who practise in churches; also churchwardens aim overseers of the poor).