at the moment

at the moment

Right now. I'm sorry, but we're not accepting applications at the moment. She's busy at the moment—can she call you back later?
See also: moment
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

at the ˈmoment

now; at the present time: ‘The number is engaged at the moment.’ ‘OK, I’ll phone again later.’ I’m unemployed at the moment.
See also: moment
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • the moment (that)
  • just now
  • at this moment
  • for the moment
  • not a moment too soon
  • not a moment to spare
  • without a moment to spare
  • the moment of truth
  • moment of truth
  • moment of truth, the
References in periodicals archive
In the former case, both the outcome of the wager and the item wagered upon are already settled at the moment the bet is made: The number of ships engaged in the previous day's battle is already settled when the bet is made.
At the moment of assertion, however, the assertion is neither settled true nor settled false.
Ohrstrom and Hasle describe this account as "the Ockham-model [in which] only one possible future is the true one, although we human beings do not know which one of them it is." (29) This approach promotes the idea that from among the possible histories subsequent to a choice point, one history is the actual one, the history that is going to happen, the actual history being supplied at the moment of assertion, though we humans cannot know it until, if we are lucky, a later moment.
And at the moment Sarah laughs she is talking to God.
CD: I was very interested in discussing with him his cultural position at the moment. And he never answered.
At the moment, you have to be a little naive to think you will represent the world.
He has told people exactly what they didn't want to hear, at the moments they didn't want to hear it, in a way that has been impossible to Ignore.