bust butt

bust (one's) butt

1. To exert a significant amount of energy in some task, activity, or goal; to work very hard. I've been busting my butt all night long to get this presentation ready for tomorrow's meeting. She's going to have to bust her butt if she wants a place on the varsity team.
2. To harass, nag, or upbraid someone to do, accomplish, or complete something. The boss is busting everyone's butt to get the project ready by next week. Quit busting my butt! I'll get it done eventually!
3. To defeat one decisively. We weren't prepared for the game, and the other team busted our butts.
4. To tease one; to give one a hard time. Aw, come on, dude, I was just busting your butt. No need to get upset about it.
See also: bust, butt
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

bust butt

See bust one’s ass to do something
See also: bust, butt
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • bust (one's) butt
  • bust butt to do something
  • bust one’s butt
  • bust one’s butt to do something
  • bust someone's chops
  • bust chops
  • bust (one's) chops
  • bust your chops
  • chops
References in periodicals archive
First column: ankle arm arch back belly blood body boil bone bosom bottom brain breast breath bridge brow bump bust butt calf call chest chin corn crown drum ear elbow eye face fat fire finger flank
Making one of those shrewd political judgments for which I am justly celebrated, I decided I'd better bust butt. I hung up on Sam's call-waiting--a smaller pleasure than hanging up on the man himself (which I've long yearned to do), but mine own.