
Related to grand: Grand Ole Opry

(as) busy as Grand Central Station

Very busy or chaotic, like New York City's Grand Central Terminal train station. Our customer service department always becomes as busy as Grand Central Station at this time of year. So many people coming and going—geez, it's busy as Grand Central Station in here.
See also: busy, central, grand, station

a grand old age

A very old age. My grandfather passed away this weekend. He lead a remarkable life and lived to a grand old age.
See also: age, grand, old


slang A thousand dollars. I heard he spent nearly four grand on that huge new TV. She got caught with 60 grand worth of cocaine in her trunk.

Grand Central Station

A place that is very busy or chaotic, like New York City's Grand Central Terminal train station. Our customer service department always becomes as busy as Grand Central Station at this time of year. So many people coming and going—geez, it's like Grand Central Station in here.
See also: central, grand, station

grand poobah

The most important or powerful person in a group, organization, business, or movement (e.g., the boss, leader, etc.). I think it sounds like a great idea, but you'll have to ask the grand poobah first.
See also: grand

grand scheme

The long term; the complete picture of something. Typically used in the phrase "in the grand scheme of things." I know you're worried about getting a bad grade on this test, but you're such a great student that I doubt it will matter in the grand scheme of things.
See also: grand, scheme

grand slam

1. In the card game bridge, the winning of all thirteen tricks on one deal of the game. I've been playing bridge for years, but I've still never been able to make a grand slam.
2. In baseball, a homerun that is achieved when all three bases have runners on them. It looked like the home team was in for a sure loss, but a grand slam at the last minute edged them ahead of their opponents.
3. (sometimes capitalized) In sports, the winning of all major championships or tournaments in a single year, especially in tennis or golf. The young player shocked the tennis world by winning a Grand Slam in her first year at the professional level.
4. By extension, any total, sweeping victory or success. With the Ohio votes in her favor, it looks like the new president has managed a grand slam.
See also: grand, slam

grand total

The final amount after adding several different numbers or sums. After everything was accounted for, the cost of remodeling the kitchen came to a grand total of $4,500.
See also: grand, total

grand tour

1. An extended tour or sightseeing trip in, through, or across any country or region. Originally used in specific reference to the major cities of Europe, the trip was considered a necessary part of well-bred gentlemen's upbringing. It was later extended to travel in general. I've been saving up all year long for my grand tour through France.
2. By extension, a comprehensive, guided tour, inspection, or survey. This is your first time seeing our new house, right? Let me give you the grand tour! The general insisted on a grand tour of all the sites that are still operational.
See also: grand, tour


slang Someone who acts in an outdated and uncool manner. Oh, he's a real granddad. He'll never go to a club with us.

in grand style

In a very luxurious or glamorous way. I rented us a limo so we can travel to the gala in grand style!
See also: grand, style

in the (grand) scheme of things

In the long term; in the complete picture of something. I know you're worried about getting a bad grade on this test, but you're such a great student that I doubt it will matter in the grand scheme of things.
See also: of, scheme, thing

the grand old age of

The very old age of. My grandfather passed away this weekend. He lead a remarkable life and lived to the grand old age of 98.
See also: age, grand, of, old

the grand old man of (something)

The most senior and respected man in a particular organization, society, etc. His decades of hosting charity balls and galas have made him the grand old man of London.
See also: grand, man, of, old
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

*busy as a beaver (building a new dam)

 and *busy as a bee; *busy as a one-armed paperhanger; *busy as Grand Central Station; *busy as a cat on a hot tin roof; *busy as a fish peddler in Lent; *busy as a cranberry merchant (at Thanksgiving); *busy as popcorn on a skillet
very busy. (*Also: as ~.) My boss keeps me as busy as a one-armed paperhanger. I don't have time to talk to you. I'm as busy as a beaver. When the tourist season starts, this store is busy as Grand Central Station. Sorry I can't go to lunch with you. I'm as busy as a beaver building a new dam. Prying into other folks' business kept him busy as popcorn on a skillet.
See also: beaver, busy
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

busy as a beaver

Also, busy as a bee. Hardworking, very industrious, as in With all her activities, Sue is always busy as a bee, or Bob's busy as a beaver trying to finish painting before it rains. The comparison to beavers dates from the late 1700s, the variant from the late 1300s. Also see eager beaver; work like a beaver.
See also: beaver, busy

grand slam

A sweeping success or total victory, as in This presentation gave us a grand slam-every buyer placed an order. This term originated in the early 1800s in the card game of whist (forerunner of contract bridge), where it refers to the taking of all thirteen tricks. It later was extended to bridge and various sports, where it has different meanings: in baseball, a home run hit with runners on all the bases, resulting in four runs for the team; in tennis, winning all four national championships in a single calendar year; in golf, winning all four major championships. In the 1990s the term was used for four related proposals presented on a ballot at once.
See also: grand, slam

grand tour

A comprehensive tour, survey, or inspection. For example, They took me on a grand tour of their new house, or The new chairman will want to make a grand tour of all the branches. Starting in the late 1600s this term was used for a tour of the major European cities, considered essential to a well-bred man's education. In the mid-1800s it was extended to more general use.
See also: grand, tour
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

a big kahuna


a grand kahuna

A big kahuna is a very important person in an organization. Suncorp Metway big kahuna Steve Jones may be thinking twice about his plans to start a business in North Queensland. Note: The word `kahuna' is from Hawaiian and means `wise man'.
See also: big, kahuna
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed.

a (or the) grand old man of

a man long and highly respected in a particular field.
Recorded from 1882 , and popularly abbreviated as GOM, Grand Old Man was the nickname of the British statesman William Ewart Gladstone ( 1809–98 ), who went on to win his last election in 1892 at the age of eighty-three.
See also: grand, man, of, old
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

a/the ˌgrand old ˈage

a great age: She finally learned to drive at the grand old age of 65.
See also: age, grand, old

a/the ˌgrand old ˈman (of something)

an old man who is very experienced and respected in a particular profession, etc: At eighty, he is the grand old man of the British film industry.
See also: grand, man, old
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary


and G and gee and large
n. one thousand dollars. That car probably cost about twenty grand. You owe me three gees! He won three large on the slots!

Grand Central Station

n. any busy and hectic place. (From Grand Central Station in New York City—a very busy place.) At just about closing time, this place becomes Grand Central Station.
See also: central, grand, station


n. an old-fashioned person; an out-of-date person. Don’t be such a granddad. Live a little.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

grand tour, the

A thorough inspection of any building, facility, business enterprise, or the like. The term comes from the custom, begun in the seventeenth century, of sending the son of a well-to-do family on an extended tour of the European Continent for the purpose of completing his education. Later the custom was extended to daughters as well. In time the term was transferred to other kinds of tour.
See also: grand
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • (as) busy as Grand Central Station
  • central
  • station
  • Grand Central Station
  • not know whether (one) is coming or going
  • not know whether one is coming or going
  • not know whether one is coming or going and not know if one is ...
  • not know whether you are coming or going
  • hibernate
  • (as) busy as a hibernating bear
References in periodicals archive
L'occasion s'est d[beaucoup plus grand que]roul[beaucoup plus grand que]e pr[beaucoup plus grand que]sence de M.
"The Grand Central Partnership, working with City agencies and the business community, has demonstrated its commitment to New York City with this latest plan to improve the Grand Central area," said former Mayor David N.
Le d[beaucoup plus grand que]funt fut [beaucoup plus grand que]galement distingu[beaucoup plus grand que] par son parcours et unique et exceptionnel A A dans le secteur [beaucoup plus grand que]conomique, A sans omettre ses contributions remarquables et ses actions louables rendus en faveur du d[beaucoup plus grand que]veloppement social, culturel et sportif.
L'atelier a recommand[beaucoup plus grand que] de mener une l[beaucoup plus grand que]tude sur la culture et les pratiques soudanaises communes tout en profitant des m[beaucoup plus grand que]dias populaires des m[beaucoup plus grand que]dias traditionnels dans les programmes [beaucoup plus grand que]ducatifs et les plans et les programmes des m[beaucoup plus grand que]dias modernes ,appelant A b[beaucoup plus grand que]n[beaucoup plus grand que]ficier des organismes officiels et civils dans le d[beaucoup plus grand que]veloppement de la conscience culturelle.
Renforcement de la lutte contre le terrorisme et la coop[beaucoup plus grand que]ration des services de renseignement Le renforcement de la lutte contre le terrorisme et la coop[beaucoup plus grand que]ration entre les services de renseignement en Afrique figurent parmi les principales recommandations que le Conseil ex[beaucoup plus grand que]cutif de l'Union africaine soumettra au sommet des chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement.
Les Journ[beaucoup plus grand que]es du Film Amazigh (JFA) organis[beaucoup plus grand que]es dans le cadre du festival Ars-sur-Moselle par l'Association d'Echanges Culturels Franco-Berb[c]res (AZAR) regroupent plus de 100 adh[beaucoup plus grand que]rents de l'association, en majorit[beaucoup plus grand que] des kabyles.
D'autre part,le Wali en charge de l'Etat du Nord a discut[beaucoup plus grand que] avec la d[beaucoup plus grand que]l[beaucoup plus grand que]gation des pr[beaucoup plus grand que]occupations des expatri[beaucoup plus grand que]s telle que l'allocation des terrains des logements et a dirig[beaucoup plus grand que] d'allouer un certain nombre de places r[beaucoup plus grand que]sidentielles pour les fils expatri[beaucoup plus grand que]s de l'Etat, en reconnaissance de leur role dans le d[beaucoup plus grand que]veloppement g[beaucoup plus grand que]n[beaucoup plus grand que]ral de l'Etat.
Une mauvaise nouvelle pour les supporters du WAC qui affrontera le club mexicain de CF Pachuca le 9 d[beaucoup plus grand que]cembre prochain pour le compte du 2e tour, puisque la majorit[beaucoup plus grand que] des billets a [beaucoup plus grand que]t[beaucoup plus grand que] achet[beaucoup plus grand que]e par les Marocains r[beaucoup plus grand que]sidant aux Emirats, sans oublier les Emiratis d[beaucoup plus grand que]sirant suivre le match du WAC, un club populaire dans ce pays.
L e ministre de l'Industrie, de l'Investissement, du Commerce et de l'Economie Num[beaucoup plus grand que]rique, Moulay Hafid Elalamy, s'est fendu la semaine derni[c]re de propos a l'emporte-pi[c]ce a l'endroit des professionnels du secteur de la rechange auto.
L'installation des fixations pour le passage des cAaAaAeAacentsbles des feux tricolor au niveau de 200 intersections de la wilaya d'Alger a d[beaucoup plus grand que]but[beaucoup plus grand que] r[beaucoup plus grand que]cemment dans le cadre du projet men[beaucoup plus grand que] par une joint-venture alg[beaucoup plus grand que]ro-espagnole sp[beaucoup plus grand que]cialis[beaucoup plus grand que]e dans la r[beaucoup plus grand que]gulation de la circulation routi[c]re AaAaAeA Alger, a indiqu[beaucoup plus grand que] dimanche le directe g[beaucoup plus grand que]n[beaucoup plus grand que]ral de l'Etablissement de r[beaucoup plus grand que]alisation et de maintenance de l'[beaucoup plus grand que]clairage public de la wilaya d'Alger (ERMA), Abderrazak Bendjeni.