
Note: This page may contain content that is offensive or inappropriate for some readers.

eff (someone or something)

rude slang An exclamation of utter contempt, disdain, or disregard for someone or something. ("Eff" is the phonetic spelling of the letter F, representing the expletive "fuck.") You know what? Eff you! I'm done with this conversation. A: "I'm just so sick of all the drama in that group!" B: "For real, eff them!" God, eff this! I've been trying to fix this computer for nearly an hour, but nothing is working!
See also: eff

eff it

rude slang An expression of extreme frustration with a situation indicating that one has decided to no longer care about it or give it any attention. ("Eff" is the phonetic spelling of the letter F, representing the expletive "fuck.") Eff it, I don't need this kind of aggravation in my life—I'm leaving! Eff it, I give up! I've been trying to fix this computer for nearly an hour, but nothing is working!
See also: eff

eff off

1. rude slang Go away. ("Eff" in these headwords is the phonetic spelling of the letter F, representing the word "fuck.") Eff off, will you? I don't want to hear any more of your crap. A: "Tom wants to ask you some more questions about the project." B: "Tell him to eff off, would you? I'm busy."
2. rude slang To engage in aimless recreation or frivolous time-wasting. You'd be done with your homework by now if you didn't spend so much time effing off on that phone of yours.
See also: eff, off

eff this/that

rude slang An exclamation of utter disdain for and rejection of something. ("Eff" is the phonetic spelling of the letter F, representing the expletive "fuck.") You know what? Eff this! I'm done talking to you. A: "I'm just so sick of all the drama in that group!" B: "For real, eff that!"
See also: eff, that, this

eff this/that noise

rude slang An exclamation of utter disdain for and rejection of something. ("Eff" is the phonetic spelling of the letter F, representing the expletive "fuck.") You know what? Eff this noise! I'm done talking to you. A: "I'm just so sick of all the drama in that group!" B: "For real, eff that noise!"
See also: eff, noise, that, this

eff this/that shit

rude slang An exclamation of utter disdain for and rejection of something. ("Eff" is the phonetic spelling of the letter F, representing the expletive "fuck.") You know what? Eff this shit! I'm done talking to you. A: "I'm just so sick of all the drama in that group!" B: "For real, eff that shit!"
See also: eff, shit, that, this

eff up

1. verb, rude slang To make a mistake; to mess up. ("Eff" is a shortening of the vulgar word "fuck.") I think I effed up by putting the casserole in the oven too soon. You effed up, Dave. Just admit it, and we can all move on.
2. verb, rude slang To cause someone to make a mistake; to screw someone up. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "eff" and "up." I was trying to build a house of cards when the sudden sound of a car alarm effed me up.
3. verb, rude slang To ruin or damage something; to mess up something. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "eff" and "up." The pilots' strike really effed up our vacation plans! Boy, you really effed this engine up. When was the last time you got your oil changed? I effed up my knee in practice last night so I won't be able to play on Saturday.
4. verb, rude slang To cause someone significant injury by physically attacking them, as with punches and other blows. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "eff" and "up." The captain of the football team said he'd eff me up if he caught me talking to his girlfriend again.
5. verb, rude slang To intoxicate someone to an extreme degree. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "eff" and "up." The painkillers the doctor prescribed really effed me up last night. They want to get effed up on weed and watch cheesy horror movies.
6. verb, rude slang To fail or malfunction. The printer effed up last night so I still haven't printed my report.
7. noun, rude slang A person who is a complete failure or rarely does anything right. In this usage, the phrase is often hyphenated. I admit that after college I was kind of an eff-up. I finally got my act together in my thirties, though.
8. noun, rude slang A mistake. In this usage, the phrase is often hyphenated. One little eff up and they kick me out of school. It's just not fair! This is not just an eff-up, Brad—this could bankrupt the entire company!
See also: eff, up

fuck my life

rude slang An expression of one's frustration with a situation gone awry. It is often abbreviated "FML." Did I really leave my wallet at home? Ugh, fuck my life.
See also: fuck, life

what the eff

rude slang "Eff" is the spelling of the letter F, used as a euphemistic substitution for the expletive "fuck."
1. An exclamation of surprise or disbelief. A: "What the eff was that noise?" B: "Relax, scaredy-cat. It's just the sound of the heating system turning on." A: "It looks like your account is in arrears." B: "What the eff? That can't be right!"
2. Used to express extreme anger or indignation. What the eff is my ex-boyfriend doing here? I can't believe she just said that to me! What the eff!
3. Why not? An aside used to emphasize one's nonchalance toward something. A: "Do you want to skip school and go the beach instead?" B: "Sure, what the eff?"
See also: eff, what
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • gotcha
  • hoo-rah
References in periodicals archive
A prime example of the EFF's objectives is offered by MythTV.org, which, according to the site, "is a homebrew PVR project" developed by Isaac Richards.
Amid all this, it begs the question of whether the EFF can be taken seriously.
However, the president has refused to admit liability and will not "pay back the money"--a mantra that has become the EFF's rallying call in every parliamentary session, but one which has also reverberated across the country.
Zuma has given the EFF and Malema the attention they crave.
During the previous programming period (2004-2006), the UK benefited from EFF support of approximately 183 million, which served to finance almost 2,000 projects.
But the repayment period under the EFF, which is meant to promote structural reform, is substantially longer.
The IMF said the amount of credit available under the EFF and its duration are identical to those remaining under the standby credit that it replaces.
The affirmation of EFF 2015-2 reflects the stable performance and growth in credit enhancement (CE) to date.
The (https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2018/03/geek-squads-relationship-fbi-cozier-we-thought) documents , released by the non-profit digital rights group Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act(https://www.eff.org/cases/fbi-geek-squad-informants-foia-suit)  lawsuit filed last year after the FBI denied a request for records about its relationship with Geek Squad.
ISLAMABAD -- Finance Minister Senator Mohammad Ishaq Dar reached Dubai Wednesday morning and joined Pakistan delegation for ongoing talks with the IMF team for the 11th Review under the Extended Fund Facility (EFF).
And the people, silenced by their own liberation, now revelled in the dust storm kicked up by the EFF.
ISLAMABAD -- Pakistan and International Monetary Fund (IMF) has completed the detailed deliberations for the 7th review under Extended Funds Facility (EFF) programme.
Although the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) may be well-known in the digital world of 2014, the nonprofit watchdog group was advocating and defending digital rights before the internet was a blip on the radar for most Americans.
Daily flight logs from Customs and Border Protection (CBP) obtained by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) reveal that the federal department has been busy loaning Predator drones to "state, local, and non-CBP federal agencies."
To deal with the BER performance, which is different from that of conventional DFE, we explore the error feedback filter (EFF) and the feedback of multiuser interference cancellation (MIC) for MIMO DS-UWB system (i.e.