For instance, on April 20 mystryman, the moderator of a message board at Bluelight, posted the warning that a drug called 5meo-dipt, known as "Foxy," was being sold as
Ecstasy in Florida.
Open secrets: how the government lost the drug war in cyberspace
However, they stated that as they grew older they became increasingly exposed to certain drugs such as
ecstasy and discovered that these drugs were being used by normal, conventional youth.
A subcultural study of recreational ecstasy use
Luke Ogden, manager of the DAN 24/7 Wales Drug and Alcohol Helpline, said
Ecstasy is not used by drug users as much at the moment but said warnings about the "yellow octopus" pills are a concern.
'Octopus Ecstasy' warning
But that was not all, she also said, "I did
ecstasy once and I got married.
Thank Ray J for your fame: Michael Blackson slams Kim Kardashian
Marmar the head of psychiatry at New York's University's Langone School of Medicine, a leading PTSD researcher who wasn't involved in the study said, "I'm cautious but hopeful." Marmar told The ( New York Times that if they keep getting good results with
Ecstasy, it will be a great use to treat PTSD, as it can be very hard to treat.
Ecstasy PTSD Treatments: FDA Approves New Trials
Last month three 12-year-old girls ended up in hospital after taking
ecstasy tabs with cola at the Salford Shopping Precinct.
There are no specific interventions in the area of substance abuse that focus exclusively on the problem of
ecstasy. Use of
ecstasy is tied with poly drug use and thus it makes sense to design interventions that address the problem of drug abuse in general.
He said: "Although it appeared Rose had taken a substantial quantity (of drugs) and some may have come from another source or sources, there is no doubt some of the
Ecstasy she took originated from you."
DEALER SOLD ECSTASY TO TRAGIC ROSE; Partygoer, 15, 'took five MDMA tablets'
In May, Ellie Jones, 16, became the youngest
ecstasy victim.
For the study, Daniel Wagner of the University of Cologne in Germany and his colleagues wanted to catch people as they started using
Ecstasy. The team recruited 149 people who had used the drug five or fewer times and ran the subjects through a battery of brain tests looking for signs of mental deficits.
Ecstasy causes memory loss: new drug users do worse than nonusers on recall test
ecstasy could even influence the sex of a child - more boys are born to women who used the drug.
Illegal dance drug Ecstasy damages unborn children; SWANSEA SCIENTISTS IN FIRST GROUND-BREAKING STUDY
Scientists found that women who used
ecstasy had more serotonin receptors - molecules that trigger biological responses to serotonin - in their brains.
ECSTASY users may be causing [...]
Abstract--This article examines the role of
Ecstasy (MDMA or 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) as a drug used for self-medication and coping with both short- and long-term negative life situations.
The role of MDMA (ecstasy) in coping with negative life situations among urban young adults
FEArS are growing that super-strength
ecstasy tablets are being sold in Ireland.
KILLER PILL BATCH 'TO HIT STREET' Fears over deadly ecstasy
ECSTASY: The Neurobiology of the Apostle's Life and Thought by Colleen Shantz.
Paul in Ecstasy: The Neurobiology of the Apostle's Life and Thought