Related to dome: Dome of the Rock
chrome dome
A person who is completely bald, or that person's head. I actually started losing my hair in my late twenties, and I've been a chrome dome ever since! Some women don't care for bald men, but I love my husband's chrome dome.
See also: chrome, dome
slang A psychologist or psychiatrist. "Dome" is slang term for "head." The phrase is usually used in a derogatory way. Ugh, I don't want to see a dome-doctor and talk about my feelings.
A derogatory term for someone who is very smart. That guy's a real double-dome—he probably spends all his time in the library, like a loser.
ivory dome
A thoroughly stupid person; someone with no sense or intelligence. Don't listen to any advice that ivory dome gives you—he's only got a job here because of who his daddy is. There's no way I'll lose to a ivory dome like you.
See also: dome, ivory
marble dome
A thoroughly stupid person; someone with no sense or intelligence. Don't listen to any advice that marble dome gives you—he's only got a job here because of who his daddy is. There's no way I'll lose to a marble dome like you.
See also: dome, marble
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
n. a shiny, bald head; a man with a bald head. (Also a rude term of address.) The guy with the chrome-dome suddenly grasped his chest and made a face.
n. the head, especially if bald. I need a new hat for my shiny dome.
mod. hit on the head. (see also dome.) I domed him accidentally with the ladder.
See also: dome
n. a psychologist or psychiatrist. The dome-doctor lets me talk while he keeps score.
1. n. an intellectual. It’s not that what the double-domes say is wrong, it’s that they are so sure that they are right that scares me.
2. mod. intellectual. Most kids need to be exposed to double-dome profs at college for a while.
marble dome
n. a stupid person. (Someone who has marble where brains should be.) The guy’s a marble dome. He has no knowledge of what’s going on around him.
See also: dome, marble
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
- chrome
- chrome dome
- chrome-dome
- peanut head
- as bald as a coot
- bald as a coot
- be as bald as a coot
- backside
- (as) bald as a baby's backside
- coot