
  • $64 question
  • (as) gay as a three-dollar bill
  • (as) phony as a three-dollar bill
  • (as) queer as a three-dollar bill
  • (as) sound as a dollar
  • (one's) bottom dollar
  • a day late and a dollar short
  • adobe dollar
  • almighty dollar, the
  • another day, another dollar
  • as phony as a three-dollar bill
  • as queer as a three-dollar bill
  • be (as) sound as a dollar
  • be dollars to doughnuts that
  • be dollars to doughnuts that (something happens)
  • be penny-wise and dollar-foolish
  • bet bottom dollar
  • bet dollars to doughnuts
  • bet one’s bottom dollar
  • bet one's bottom dollar, one can
  • bet someone dollars to doughnuts
  • bet you dollars to doughnuts
  • bet your bottom dollar
  • bet your bottom dollar/your life
  • better a dollar earned than ten inherited
  • day late and a dollar short
  • do not pass Go, do not collect two hundred dollars
  • dollar for dollar
  • dollar signs in (one's) eyes
  • dollars to doughnuts
  • dollars to doughnuts, it's
  • dollars-and-cents
  • feel a million dollars
  • feel like a million dollars
  • he wears a $10 hat on a five-cent head
  • He wears a ten-dollar hat on a five-cent head
  • hotter than a two-dollar pistol
  • if I had (some monetary unit) for every (something)
  • if I had (some monetary unit) for every (something), I'd be rich!
  • if I had (some monetary unit) for every time (something happened)
  • like a million dollars
  • look a million dollars
  • look like a million dollars
  • look/feel like a million dollars/bucks
  • one’s bottom dollar
  • pay top dollar
  • pay, earn, charge, etc. top dollar
  • penny-wise and dollar-foolish
  • phonier than a three-dollar bill
  • phony as a three-dollar bill
  • queer as a three-dollar bill
  • queerer than a three-dollar bill
  • sixty-four-dollar question
  • sixty-four-thousand-dollar question, the
  • sound as a dollar
  • that and (some amount of money) will get you a cup of coffee
  • the 64,000 dollar question
  • the almighty dollar
  • the gray dollar
  • the million-dollar question
  • the pink dollar
  • the sixty-four thousand dollar question
  • the sixty-four-dollar question
  • the sixty-four-thousand-dollar question
  • top dollar
  • tougher than a two-dollar steak
  • you can bet your bottom dollar (on something)
References in classic literature
Pa will be in no hurry to give me more money soon, and I want, at this moment, near a hundred dollars' worth of articles of dress to make a decent appearance.
Shall I lend you the money--my mother gave me ten dollars this morning, to make a few purchases, which I can very well do without until you can pay me."
Three dollars an' twelve an' a half cents I'm jiggered out of on the room I'm rentin'.
I give'm fifty down, and the rest installment plan, ten dollars a month.
And when they gave up the house plan and decided to rent, the prospect of paying out nine dollars a month forever they found just as hard to face.
It was hard to tell, with all this strange legal jargon, words he had never heard before; but was not this plain--"the party of the first part hereby covenants and agrees to rent to the said party of the second part!" And then again-- "a monthly rental of twelve dollars, for a period of eight years and four months!" Then Szedvilas took off his spectacles, and looked at the agent, and stammered a question.
Five dollars for five thousand words, ten words for a cent - that particular thought took up its residence in his brain, and he could no more escape it than he could the "$3.85" under his eyelids.
Ever the heap grew, and though each bill was duplicated a thousand times, he found only one for two dollars and a half, which was what he owed Maria.
Two months after the Western Union had given its weighty endorsement to the telephone, these men organized a company to do business in New England only, and put fifty thousand dollars in its treasury.
"Watson," he said, "there's a young man in Washington who can handle this situation, and I want you to run down and see what you think of him." Watson went, reported favorably, and in a day or so the young man received a letter from Hubbard, offering him the position of General Manager, at a salary of thirty-five hundred dollars a year.
More than a dozen times, when bills figuring up into the hundreds of dollars were falling due, I applied to the white men of Tuskegee for small loans, often borrowing small amounts from as many as a half-dozen persons, to meet our obligations.
"If he cannot find sixty thousand dollars, he has no right to be in Wall street.
When I seen them seven hundred dollars in the bottom of the pan, I knew I had the seed at last."
And I seen all them millions this afternoon when them seven hundred dollars peeped up at me from the bottom of the pan and chirruped, 'Well, if here ain't Burning Daylight come at last.'"
Full black; dealer in real estate; worth thirty thousand dollars; about forty years old; free six years; paid eighteen hundred dollars for his family; member of the Baptist church; received a legacy from his master, which he has taken good care of, and increased.