
  • (it) (really) doesn't matter to me
  • (it) doesn't bother me any
  • (it) doesn't bother me at all
  • (it) doesn't hurt to ask
  • (it) doesn't matter
  • (it) never hurts to ask
  • (not) care a fig
  • (not) care two hoots
  • (not) give a fig
  • (not) give a toss
  • (not) give two hoots
  • (one) doesn't give a hoot (about something)
  • (one) doesn't give a rip (about something)
  • (one) doesn't have a problem with that
  • (one) doesn't know which way is up or down
  • (one) doesn't miss a trick
  • (one's) elevator doesn't go all the way to the top
  • (one's) face doesn't fit
  • (someone) (just) doesn't know when to quit
  • (something) does not compute
  • (something) doesn't ring a bell (with one)
  • a leopard doesn't change its spots
  • almost doesn't count
  • care a whit
  • crime doesn't pay
  • damned if (one) does and damned if (one) doesn't
  • damned if you do and damned if you don't
  • damned if you do, damned if you don't
  • didn't care too hard
  • does not wash
  • doesn't bother me any
  • doesn't have a (certain kind of) bone in (one's) body
  • doesn't hold a candle (to someone or something)
  • doesn't hurt to ask. and never hurts to ask
  • doesn't know beans
  • doesn't know sic 'em (from come here)
  • doesn't matter to me
  • don't have a pot to piss in (or a window to throw it out of)
  • don't know beans
  • don't know whether to eat it or rub it on
  • Easy does it
  • elevator doesn't go to the top floor, the
  • handsome is as handsome does
  • he, she, etc. doesn't miss a trick
  • hill of beans, doesn't amount to a/not worth a
  • history repeats itself
  • how does that grab you
  • it doesn't hurt to (have or do something)
  • it doesn't take a rocket scientist (to do something)
  • just don't/doesn't get it, you/he/she
  • know (someone) from Adam, doesn't/not to
  • left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing
  • left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing, the
  • leg to stand on, doesn't have a/not a/without a
  • lift a finger, he/she doesn't/won't
  • lightning doesn't strike twice
  • man does not live by bread alone
  • miss a trick, doesn't/not to
  • money doesn't grow on trees
  • not amount to a hill of beans
  • not beat about the bush
  • not beat around the bush
  • not break the bank
  • not budge an inch
  • not care two hoots (about something)
  • not care twopence
  • not come cheap
  • not do a hand's turn
  • not do a lot for (someone)
  • not do a stroke (of work)
  • not do anything for (someone)
  • not do much for (someone)
  • not feel (oneself)
  • not get a wink of sleep
  • not give (a) tuppence
  • not give a damn
  • not give a hoot (about something)
  • not give a rap about (someone or something)
  • not give an inch
  • not give twopence
  • not go far
  • not grow on trees
  • not have (one's) heart in (something)
  • not have a (snowball's) chance in hell
  • not have a clue
  • not have a leg to stand on
  • not have a penny
  • not have a penny to (one's) name
  • not have a penny to bless (oneself) with
  • not have a pot to piss in
  • not have a red cent
  • not have a stitch of clothes (one)
  • not have a stitch of clothing (one)
  • not have a stitch on
  • not have a/the ghost of a chance
  • not have all (one's) marbles
  • not have an earthly chance
  • not have much between the ears
  • not have the face (to do something)
  • not have the foggiest
  • not have the heart
  • not have two brain cells to rub together
  • not have two nickels to rub together
  • not have two pennies to rub together
  • not hold a candle to (someone or something)
  • not hold a stick to (someone or something)
  • not hold water
  • not hold with (something)
  • not know (any) better
  • not know (one) is born
  • not know (one's) own strength
  • not know (someone) from a bar of soap
  • not know any more about (something) than a hog knows about Sunday
  • not know any more about (something) than a pig knows about Sunday
  • not know enough to come in out of the rain
  • not know from (something)
  • not know from nothing
  • not know shit from apple butter
  • not know the half of it
  • not know the meaning of the word
  • not know the time of day
  • not know what to make of (someone or something)
  • not know where to turn
  • not know whether (one) is coming or going
  • not know which end is up
  • not let (someone) catch (one) (doing something)
  • not matter tuppence
  • not matter twopence
  • not mean diddly
  • not mean jack shit
  • not mince words
  • not miss (something) for the world
  • not miss a beat
  • not miss a trick
  • not miss much
  • not move a muscle
  • not move an inch
  • not open (one's) mouth
  • not put stock in (something)
  • not see any objection
  • not set foot in (some place)
  • not shed a tear
  • not sit comfortably (with one)
  • not sit easily (with one)
  • not sit well (with one)
  • not skip a beat
  • not sleep a wink
  • not stand an earthly
  • not stand an earthly chance
  • not suit (one)
  • not take stock in (something)
  • not tell a soul
  • not think much of (someone or something)
  • not touch a drop
  • not trust (one) an inch
  • not utter a word
  • not want to know
  • one swallow does not a spring make
  • one swallow does not a summer make
  • one swallow does not make a spring
  • one swallow does not make a summer
  • one swallow doesn't make a summer
  • push it
  • ring a bell
  • sit right (with one)
  • something won't/doesn't wash
  • take a blind bit of notice
  • that does it
  • that which doesn't kill you makes you stronger
  • the apple does not fall far from the tree
  • the apple doesn't fall/never falls far from the tree
  • the carpet matches the drapes
  • the elevator doesn't go all the way to the top
  • the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing
  • the left hand doesn't know what the right hand's doing
  • the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing
  • the right hand doesn't know what the left hand's doing
  • This doesn't quite suit me
  • what (someone) doesn't know can't hurt them
  • what (someone) doesn't know won't hurt them
  • what (someone) eats doesn't make (one) fat
  • what (someone) eats doesn't make (one) poop
  • what doesn't kill you makes you stronger
  • what one doesn't know won't hurt one
  • what the eye doesn't see
  • what the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over
  • where the sun doesn't shine
  • why doesn't (one) (do something)
  • will not wash
  • your/somebody's face doesn't fit
References in classic literature
My grand-daughter doesn't like to be kept waitin' when the tea is ready, for it takes me time to crammle aboon the grees, for there be a many of `em, and miss, I lack belly-timber sairly by the clock."
Don't ye fash about them as lies under ye, or that doesn' lie there either!
However; Randhir somewhat feels that Karisma doesn t wants to get married.
She doesn t want Imran s marriage to succeed because she is jealous."
It usually goes away after a few days so it doesn''t need medical treatment.
For enquiries email Joanne at For enquiries email Joanne at QI LOVE Emilia Wickstead''s collections and would love to emulate the look, but my budget doesn''t stretch as far.
ALOOK This gorgeous deep plum kaftan from Rumpus Resort, with pretty pink trim, is modal which doesn''t crease as much as cotton so perfect for the beach.
Cheryl''s parents have fought long and hard to get to the truth, for their lovely daughter RIPX @PALMCIVETLADY (Re snow 12 months ago) lets hope it doesn''t happen again too soon.....Farmers need to chance to recover from last year @youngkilshaw (Re Wrexham FC's news boss) The King is Dead!
He a true walking companion and doesn''t pull on the lead but trots along nicely by your side.
He was referred on to the Work Programme, and, even though he doesn''t have to, he goes in every day to use their computer to look for work.
Advancing age doesn''t put us off tackling a new challenge either.
In life it doesn t change to be negative, it doesn t give you points.