at the end of nowhere
at the end of nowhere
In or located at a very distant or remote place. His new house is really at the end of nowhere—it will take us hours to get there. No one is going to come to your fancy new restaurant if you build it at the end of nowhere!
See also: end, nowhere, of
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
at the end of nowhere
Fig. at a remote place; at some distance from civilization. (An exaggeration.) They live way out in the country at the end of nowhere. The police will never find us here, at the end of nowhere.
See also: end, nowhere, of
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
- be at the end of nowhere
- be out of the way
- at the back of beyond
- back of (the) beyond
- back of beyond
- back of the beyond
- in the boondocks
- bumfuck
- bumfuck nowhere
- buttfuck nowhere