
Related to burner: CD burner, Nero

back burner

Where low-priority tasks figuratively reside. Typically used in the phrase "put (something) on the back burner." The phrase refers to the back burner of a stove, which is where pots are usually placed to simmer on low heat. I know you're eager to start on this new project, but I'm afraid it's going on the back burner—we just don't have the budget for it right now. You need to go to a doctor! You can't put your health on the back burner any longer!
See also: back, burner


Any thing, event, or occasion that is especially exciting, impressive, or successful. I had so much fun at Jonathan's bachelor party last night; it was a real barnburner! The majority of the game was rather lackluster, but it was a barnburner in the final quarter.

be on the back burner

To be a low priority; to get less or little thought or attention; to have been postponed or suspended. Work stuff will be on the back burner for a while once my son is born. I think that painting the house should be on the back burner until we decide on what furniture we want to buy.
See also: back, burner, on


A pejorative term for a female supporter of the women's liberation movements of the 1960s and '70s. (Although the actual burning of brassieres has been disputed, it is still associated with these movements.) Ugh, what are these bra-burners yapping about now?


1. noun A cell phone, usually prepaid, that one uses to avoid having their activities (often illicit or inappropriate ones) traced to them. The suspect's wife didn't know he had a second phone, so I bet it's a burner he used for drug deals.
2. adjective Describing something that one uses to avoid having their activities (often illicit ones) traced to them. The suspect's wife didn't know he had a second phone, so I bet it's a burner phone he used for drug deals. The 76ers GM resigned after being linked to burner accounts on Twitter that shared private information about several players.

burner account

A social media account that one uses to post anonymously and avoid having their posts (usually ones that are inappropriate somehow) traced to them. The 76ers GM resigned after being linked to burner accounts on Twitter that shared private information about several players.
See also: account, burner

burner phone

A cell phone, usually prepaid, that one uses to avoid having their activities (often illicit or inappropriate ones) traced to them. The suspect's wife didn't know he had a second phone, so I bet it's a burner phone he used for drug deals.
See also: burner, phone

cook on the front burner

To have success in a particular activity. Once we dislodged that piece, we were really cooking on the front burner on this repair. That's a great idea—now you're cooking on the front burner!
See also: burner, cook, front, on

cook with gas

slang To have success in a particular activity. Once we dislodge that piece, we might cook with gas on this repair. That's a great idea—now you're cooking with gas!
See also: cook, gas

hay burner

1. An old horse, particularly one that is a poor racehorse. Bring that hay burner back to the stables—it's not even worth racing him.
2. slang Someone who smokes marijuana. I used to be a real hay burner in high school, but I stay away from pot these days.
See also: burner, hay


1. slang A very short pipe used for smoking tobacco or marijuana. I have a little nose-burner that I keep in my back pack so I can toke up throughout the day. My grandfather used to smoke this pungent tobacco out of a small nose-burner after every meal—even breakfast!
2. slang The remains of the unburned end (the butt) of a marijuana cigarette. He kept trying to light the nose-burner in his fingertips and nearly set his moustache on fire! We collected all the nose-burners in the ash tray and filled a bowl with what we managed to scrape out of them.

oil burner

A device that burns oil and gives off heat, such as a furnace or boiler. Turn on the oil burner, will you? It's freezing in here!
See also: burner, oil

on the back burner

Of a low priority; given less or little thought or attention; postponed or suspended. I think that painting the house should be on the back burner until we decide on what furniture we want to buy. I'm going to be putting work stuff on the back burner for a while after my son is born.
See also: back, burner, on

on the front burner

Of a high priority; given more or a lot of thought or attention. The landlords are coming to inspect the property next week, so cleaning needs to be on the front burner! Now that I'm finished with work for the summer, I can put my thesis on the front burner again.
See also: burner, front, on

put (something) on the back burner

To establish something as being a low priority; to give something less or little thought or attention; to postpone, suspend, or hold off on doing something. I'm going to be putting work stuff on the back burner for a while once my son is born. I think we should put painting the house on the back burner until we decide on what furniture we want to buy.
See also: back, burner, on, put

put (something) on the front burner

To establish something as a high priority; to give something more or a lot of thought or attention; to decide to do something immediately, right away, or sooner than other things. Now that I'm finished with work for the summer, I can put my thesis on the front burner again. We need to put picking out furniture on the front burner before we even discuss painting the house.
See also: burner, front, on, put

rice burner

offensive slang A typically light and fast car or motorcycle manufactured in an East Asian country, especially Japan. Often used derogatorily, the term is typically considered racist for its use of rice as a stereotypical representative of such countries (where it is a staple food). A: "Check out the rice burner with the huge spoiler." B: "A rice burner? That's a bit politically incorrect, don't you think?" My old Mustang can go toe to toe with the fastest rice burners out there.
See also: burner, rice

worm burner

Any ball used in a sport that rolls along the ground at a very fast speed. Sometimes hyphenated. The golfer hit a worm burner off the tee that skidded into the rough. The worm-burner ricocheted off the defender's leg and slipped past the goalkeeper into the net.
See also: burner, worm
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

*on the back burner

Fig. [of something] on hold or suspended temporarily. (Alludes to putting a pot that needs less active attention on a back burner of a stove, leaving space for pots that need to be stirred. Compare this with on the front burner. *Typically: be ~; put something ~.) The building project is on the back burner for now. This matter was on the back burner for a long time.
See also: back, burner, on

*on the front burner

Fig. receiving particular attention or consideration. (Compare this with on the back burner. *Typically: be ~; put something ~.) So, what's on the front burner for us this week? Move this project to the front burner so it will get some attention.
See also: burner, front, on
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

back burner, on a

In a position of low priority. For example, I haven't forgotten his letter; I've just put it on a back burner for now. This term alludes to a cook's putting items requiring less attention at the back of the stove. [Colloquial; mid-1900s] Also see front burner.
See also: back, on

cook with gas

Also, cook on the front burner. Do very well, make rapid progress. For example, The first half is finished already? Now you're cooking with gas, or Two promotions in two years-she's really cooking on the front burner! The first of these metaphoric phrases alludes to gas stoves, which began to replace slower wood-burning stoves about 1915. The variant, which alludes to something on a stove's front burner receiving more attention, is heard less often today. [Slang; 1940s] Also see back burner.
See also: cook, gas

front burner, on a

Also, on the front burner. A position of relatively great importance or high priority. For example, The boss said this project is now on a front burner. This expression alludes to a cook's putting the items requiring the most attention at the front of the stove. [1960s] Also see back burner.
See also: front, on
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

on the back burner

COMMON If you put a project or issue on the back burner, you decide not to do anything about it until a later date. Note: A burner is one of the rings or plates on the top of a cooker. She put her career on the back burner after marrying her co-star two years ago. People's dreams have once again been put on the back burner as they concern themselves with survival from one day to the next. Note: Back burner is used in other structures and expressions with a similar meaning. Long-term health care advocates worry that the expense will push this issue onto a back burner. In this climate, website development is an obvious candidate for the back burner.
See also: back, burner, on

on the front burner

If you put a project or issue on the front burner, you start to give it a lot of attention. Note: A burner is one of the rings or plates on the top of a cooker. By putting tourism on the front burner, the government has opened up the opportunity for a substantial growth in visitors long-term. Note: Front burner is used in other structures and expressions with a similar meaning. This issue is not exactly on their front burner.
See also: burner, front, on
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed.

on the back (or front) burner

having low (or high) priority. informal
The metaphor here is from cooking on a stove with several burners of varying heat: food cooking at a lower temperature on a back burner receives or requires less frequent attention than that cooking at a high temperature on a front burner. Compare with the mainly North American expression cook on the front burner meaning ‘be on the way to rapid success’.
See also: back, burner, on

cook on the front burner

be on the right lines; be on the way to rapid success. North American informal
Another version of this phrase is cook with gas .
See also: burner, cook, front, on
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

on the back ˈburner

(informal) (of an idea, a plan, etc.) left for the present time, to be done or considered later: The job was put on the back burner when more important assignments arrived.
A burner is one of the parts of a cooker/stove that produces a flame.
See also: back, burner, on

on the front ˈburner

(informal, especially American English) (of an issue, a plan, etc.) being given a lot of attention because it is considered important: Anything that keeps education on the front burner is good. OPPOSITE: on the back burner
A burner is one of the parts of a cooker/stove, etc. that produces a flame.
See also: burner, front, on
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary


n. a nickname for a woman who supported the women’s liberation movements of the 1960s and 1970s. (Derogatory.) Didn’t the bra-burners give way to whale-savers in the seventies?


n. a gun; a pistol. (see also burn = to kill.) You got your burner on you?

hay burner

1. n. a worthless racehorse; any old and worn-out horse. I went to a dude ranch, and they gave me an old hay burner to ride.
2. and hay head n. a marijuana smoker. (Drugs.) Some hay head was around trying to sell raffle tickets that looked handmade.
See also: burner, hay


and nose-warmer
n. a marijuana cigarette stub; a roach. (Drugs.) Hey, man! Can I have a hit of that little nose-burner? He quickly stubbed out a little nose-burner when he heard the garage door open.

on the back burner

mod. out of the way; aside and out of consideration. (see also on the shelf.) We will have to put this on the back burner for a while.
See also: back, burner, on

worm burner

n. a fast, but low-rolling ball in golf, baseball, etc. Walter sent a worm burner down the third-base line.
See also: burner, worm
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

on the back burner

As a low priority: kept the project on the back burner all summer.
See also: back, burner, on

on the front burner

As a high priority.
See also: burner, front, on
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.

front burner, on a/the

A position of high priority. This relatively new term, from the 1960s, alludes to a cook’s putting food that needs the most attention on the front burners of the stove. It was soon being used figuratively, as in “Put this editorial on a front burner; it’s going into the next issue.” For the converse, see put on hold.
See also: front, on

put on hold/ice/the back burner, to

To postpone, delay, keep in reserve. The oldest of these nearly synonymous terms is to put something on ice, the transfer from food storage (on ice blocks) to anything kept in reserve occurring in the late nineteenth century. Chefs put food that is either finished or cooks more quickly than the rest of a meal on a back burner of the range. By about 1930, this term was transferred to temporarily shelving any item or project or plan, originally in the United States, and came into general use about thirty years later. To put on hold also dates from the mid-twentieth century. It began to be used for the temporary interruption or suspension of a space launch and/or a telephone conversation. It was commonplace in both activities by about 1960 and was rapidly transferred to other kinds of delay, although its literal application—interrupting a telephone connection to wait for its resumption—is still current, along with the irritations generated by call waiting. See also your call is important.
See also: back, hold, ice, on, put
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • back burner
  • backburner
  • back-to-back-to-back
  • come back anytime
  • backed up
  • come back and see us
  • back
  • back at (something or some place)
  • echo back to
  • be/go back to square one
References in periodicals archive
Cisdem Mac DVD burner can burn video to DVD with high quality and high speed.
The new technologies announced today will enable 1,000 large-scale natural gas burners to be replaced by hydrogen burners at our plants across Japan.
Sy himself put trash into the burner during a demo at the launch.
You don't have to live with broken down burners, though.
LG Electronics also released a new electric range that is equipped with both induction and radiant burners.
The water in the pots heats up very quickly now because the burners are large and close.
"When we looked at the burner, it was clear that she had used two tea lights in the base of the burner and then left the burner unattended on the corner of the bath.'' Mr Spencer said she "then found the burner alight and used the shower head to put it out".
"In each case, the gas burner fires directly into an air distribution system which delivers heat into the drying system via a complex duct work matrix in order to achieve consistent temperature ranging, typically, from 30[degrees]C to 150[degrees]C, dependent on the application," says Adrian Langford, Lanemark's General Manager.
Each boiler has two burners. The capacity of each burner is 400 therms/hr (11.7MW) with the low limit of 60 therms/hr (1.8MW).
In single burner mode, the [O.sub.2] level in flue gas was compared under two scenarios presented in Figure 2.
Swirl burner combustor designs are emerging as the preferred method to achieve emission requirements for power generation while maintaining the high combustion efficiency and good flame stability characteristics of conventional combustors.
On Tuesday, the cemetery transferred the flame from a temporary burner to the restored permanent eternal flame that is part of a memorial to the 35th president.
Known as a pastille burner, it held a small cone or block of charcoal dipped in fragrant oils which, when lit, produced scented smoke which issued forth from the central tower - a sort of 19th century air freshener, if you will.
In this study, a double-ring gas burner, which consists of a burner head (see Figure 2(a)) and outer- and inner-ring burner caps (made of copper), is adopted.
Utilising a recuperative air burner system to increase fuel efficiency, an oxygen ([O.sub.2]) sensor for atmospheric readings and analysis of firing practices as well as fuel-efficient materials, we achieved a significant reduction in fuel consumption without sacrificing the durability of our kiln or the aesthetics of the ware.