
put on the (old) feedbag

slang To begin eating; to have a meal. I can't wait to get to Grandma's and put on the old feedbag. She always cooks the tastiest food! What do you say we put on the feedbag before we head out?
See also: feedbag, on, put

put the (old) feedbag on

slang To begin eating; to have a meal. "Feedbag" is sometimes spelled as two words. I can't wait to get to grandma's and put the old feedbag on. She always cooks the tastiest food! What do you say we put the feed bag on before we head out?
See also: feedbag, on, put

strap on the (old) feedbag

slang To begin eating; to have a meal. I can't wait to get to Grandma's and strap on the old feedbag. She always cooks the tastiest food! What do you say we strap on the feedbag before we head out?
See also: feedbag, on, strap

strap the (old) feedbag on

slang To begin eating; to have a meal. "Feedbag" is sometimes spelled as two words. I can't wait to get to grandma's and strap the old feedbag on. She always cooks the tastiest food! What do you say we strap the feed bag on before we head out?
See also: feedbag, on, strap

tie on the (old) feedbag

slang To begin eating; to have a meal. I can't wait to get to Grandma's and tie on the old feedbag. She always cooks the tastiest food! What do you say we tie on the feedbag before we head out?
See also: feedbag, on, tie

tie the (old) feedbag on

slang To begin eating; to have a meal. "Feedbag" is sometimes spelled as two words. I can't wait to get to grandma's and tie the old feedbag on. She always cooks the tastiest food! What do you say we tie the feed bag on before we head out?
See also: feedbag, on, tie
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

put on the feedbag

and put on the nosebag and tie on the nosebag
tv. to prepare to eat; to eat a meal. (Refers to a bag of feed tied under a horse’s mouth.) I’m starved. Must be time to put on the feedbag. Let’s go to Mickey D’s and tie on the feedbag.
See also: feedbag, on, put
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • put on the (old) feedbag
  • put on the feed bag
  • put on the feedbag
  • tie on the (old) feedbag
  • strap on the (old) feedbag
  • put the (old) feedbag on
  • put the feed bag on
  • tie the (old) feedbag on
  • strap the (old) feedbag on
  • put the (old) nosebag on
References in periodicals archive
"I got involved with repurposing because, truthfully, I fell in love with the pictures on the feedbags that we bought," Paul says.
The homogenised mixture was pressed into 2 mm diameter pellets with a research-type pelleting machine (Beysan Makina ve Torna, Rize, Turkey) and stored in feedbags post-cooling pellets.
It was then, as the sun of a glorious optimistic sunrise rose over the horizon and after, having just finished feeding the stallions their morning ration of oats and hay, he was replacing the folded canvas feedbags inside the box under the seat where he had found them, and at the very moment the sun's rays burst gloriously over the horizon, he suddenly discovered the baron's personal trunk, which apparently the night before he hadn't noticed because, evidently during the crash, it had become wedged out of sight between the driver's seat and the springs--
Nationwide, Pilmico- through the funding from the Aboitiz Foundation, the corporate citizen arm of the Aboitiz Group-has donated a total of 796 piglets and 223 egg machines, and assisted 14 agri-posts where beneficiaries receive feedbags as restart-up capital.
Woven plastic items such as sandbags, feedbags, and tarpaulins are common materials that are readily available in most U.S.
Cattle still range up the main road chasing after feedbags, and the brightest light at night comes from the old, red phone box.
I had packed salt for the hide, bulk black pepper to keep the flies off the meat, and 20 woven-mesh feedbags to put the deboned meat into and make manageable-sized packages to carry on my aluminum pack frame.
Others stole food from the army's mules when the teamsters' attention was elsewhere, or retrieved dirty corn kernels that had fallen from horses' feedbags. Understandably, morale suffered, buffeted by discouraging news from home that Michigan was having difficulty filling its quota of new volunteers.
style of dress, the horses' studded shoes, the midday routine of feedbags and blankets for the horses, the workers' lunch break (one man even used a fairly new contraption of the day - a thermos-style flask), the relationship of the site supervisor and the workers, the wagons used to haul mammoth blocks of ice, the handsome manor house and storage facility.
"Personally, I don't see how growers can possibly expect to grow high quality grapes when all they have is rootballs underneath drip systems and try to enhance them with synthetic fertilizers that come from nicely packed plastic feedbags," McGourty said.
With the state leading the nation in unemployment and hunger and its Legislature self-destructing down the budgetary backstretch, heaven knows Oregonians could use some feedbags filled with hope.
Today I went to the main market to buy large used feedbags at about four cents each for hauling sawdust mulch.
Useful safety tools in the event that horses do wander astray are feedbags that cover the nose.