federal diploma

federal diploma

n. a U.S. bank note. I could use a few extra of those federal diplomas.
See also: federal
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • fettie
  • bluh
  • bousta
  • Hey!
  • horseradish
  • base
  • bout it
  • case of the shorts
  • get a gift
  • brutal
References in periodicals archive
Graduates from apprenticeship programs can continue their education at higher education institutions, such as colleges of higher education, or obtain a federal diploma in nursing, tourism or accounting, or as a taxation expert, for instance.
She acquired a Swiss Federal Diploma as Purchasing Manager two years later.
* From 2001: Mutual recognition of academic and federal diplomas; elimination of the "saisonnier" (seasonal worker) statute; red-tape reduced for work permit holders residing in Switzerland who want to have their families join them in Switzerland.