bulldog edition

bulldog edition

The first edition of a daily newspaper. This is the bulldog edition, so it was probably published before the game ended late last night.
See also: edition
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

bulldog edition

n. the first edition of a newspaper edition to hit the streets. The story appeared in the bulldog edition, but it was all wrong.
See also: edition
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • edition
  • be hot off the press
  • hot off the press
  • hot off the press(es)
  • in the game
  • on a
  • ever and
  • grist for
  • in the face
  • sell down
References in periodicals archive
Without a large journalistic institution paying the substantial costs, how could anybody out there have the guts, the moxie, the chutzpah to wear out the shoe leather, ask the hard questions, chase the story wherever it leads, and expose the skullduggery of the powerful in an exclusive article for the bulldog edition?
It seems incredible, but every evening at nine, we used to get into a line in front of our newsstand and wait for the bulldog edition of The Daily News.
This makes it different from your typical bulldog edition, an early Sunday paper that hits newsstands late Saturday night.
Brennan cites a corresponding gain in Sunday circulation, thanks to a bulldog edition that's now three years old.
Also in May, the Times brought back a Sunday bulldog edition published on Saturdays with ad inserts and feature stories that was not produced during the strike.
30 -- even with a single-copy boost of 10,000 from the Sunday bulldog edition launched about a year ago.
Readers who ordered pizza and Pepsi on weekends also got the Herald's Sunday bulldog edition -- and United Way got a slice of the profits.
The Post bulldog edition is selling for the same $1.50 newsstand price as the regular Sunday paper.
The Boston Globe is rolling out a Sunday bulldog edition Oct.
Whoever started the Sunday bulldog edition probably never dreamed it'd be competing with his Saturday morning newspapers, but that's what's happening in a growing number of metropolitan areas.
The Tampa paper, unable to push early Sunday sales beyond 3,000 a week and recoup the 10,000-plus circulation it lost since last year, published its last bulldog edition Aug.
Earlier this summer, the Sunday final newsstand price was raised to $1, but the price of the bulldog edition remained at 75 cents.
Saturday, when the bulldog edition goes on sale, is also a big day for beer sales, he says.
The Post was able to send its extra with the Sunday bulldog edition to subscribers in distant parts of Colorado and surrounding states who get the bulldog on Saturdays.
The Sun-Times published 40,000 copies of a special Saturday bulldog edition distributing it to newsstands downtown, in the suburbs and at shopping malls which were packed with holiday shoppers.