He plays both roles in the video's scenario, of one guy hyping up another in a bro-y,
ass-kissing way.
I would bet that they are against this abstention and overt
ass-kissing by their government.
Much to lose, little to gain from abstaining
You could also ask how come that Valentine's Day KissCam didn't capture any of the rampant
ass-kissing going on all night.
Fry panned for quirkish delight
It is not difficult to see how these two structural failings in the officer corps morally emasculate our officers and all too often turn them, as they rise in rank and near the magic 20 years, into
ass-kissing conformists.
An officer corps that can't score: how military careerism breeds habits of defeat
Fallon, who at the time was head of Centcom, the military command region covering the entire Middle East, reportedly once called Petraeus, who was being put in charge of the Iraq theater, an "
ass-kissing little chickenshit"--to his face.
Done in by the patriot act: the grand irony of the Petraeus sex scandal
No last-gasp
ass-kissing from the likes of Dave Cameron and Wills was going to swing it away from them, it was a decision made months ago.
Russian World Cup 2018 will be hell
Mark Sanford, proposing that on Gregory's Meet-the-Press program the guest could "frame the conversation how (he) really wants to--and then move on." Let's be kind and just call it
Stop the presses: they're not shouting that anymore even in the movies
C* If you think Armageddon was a riot, that's one way of looking at it.'"The image of an Armageddon-like dissent between these men and the military at large is further enunciated by the Inter-Press Service, which reports that, "Fallon told Petraeus [in March] that he considered him to be 'an
ass-kissing little chickenshit' and added, 'I hate people like that'."But certainly it couldn't be only personal issues preventing these men from testifying together.
Military schism reveals unfocused foreign policy
Citing "Pentagon sources familiar with reports of the meeting", Porter said Fallon had told Petraeus he considered him to be "an
ass-kissing little chickenshit" and added, "I hate people like that".
Gates Has No Script
Get me a ugly unlikable sloppy
ass-kissing liar.The Prince of Darkness wouldn't need make-up.
TODAY'S LETTERS: Libby, Burkle, Novak, and More
Richard Brooks was the director, an ex-marine, tough, shouted at everybody, was insulting, but he was all
ass-kissing with Bette, and she picked up on this immediately.
Gore Vidal is (still) smarter than you: at 81, the great American curmudgeon is sharper than ever. Which is good, because we've never needed him more. Gore Vidal dishes Bush, Garbo, Jesus, Hillary, and his own new memoir
I know everyone says things like this (foul
ass-kissing moves to get a high five and a free sweatshirt from cool-skate-shop X in big-time-skate-city Y), but in the case of Barcelona, it's true.
My heart pumps Fanta!
"Islam needs a reformation not an
ass-kissing," wrote one.
Getting past a 'white, middle - class' America: Extreme responses to SPJ's diversity guidelines emphasize the need for broader coverage of American society. (Varying the Voice)
You're Too Kind is a learned and lucid examination of
ass-kissing over the ages, and k will be a rare modern reader who does not at some point cringe with self-recognition.
YOU'RE TOO KIND: A Brief History of Flattery
Al Gore's newfound storytelling skills are impressive, allowing him even to turn his mediocre academic record and collegiate pot smoking into a plus (as the Post put it, such revelations "subvert" the notion that he was always an
ass-kissing grind).
Albert Agonistes