extend sympathy

extend (one's) sympathy

To share one's condolences. I'm so sorry to hear about your sister's passing. Please extend my sympathy to your mother as well. Don't worry, I extended your sympathy in my card too.
See also: extend, sympathy
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

extend one's sympathy (to someone)

to express sympathy to someone. (A very polite and formal way to tell someone that you are sorry about a misfortune.) Please permit me to extend my sympathy to you and your children. I'm very sorry to hear of the death of your husband. Let's extend our sympathy to Bill Jones, who is in the hospital with a broken leg. We should send him some flowers.
See also: extend, sympathy
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • extend (one's) sympathy
  • extended
  • extend (one's) sympathy to (someone)
  • (I'm) sorry to hear that
  • sorry to hear that
  • sympathy
  • (one's) deepest sympathy
  • one's deepest sympathy
  • (one's) old lady
  • (one's) day in court
References in periodicals archive
the whilst Solihull one-"have Solihull extend sympathy of the time.
asked extend sympathy He was also charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice by allegedly arranging to have repairs on a BMW.
Designed on one level to conjure the effects of a repressive society on women with few available choices, "Love" feels frigid even though Wasilewski likely wants to extend sympathy to their situations.
They said that that yarn merchants and the business community were grieved at the gruesome terror attack on innocent students of Army Public School Peshawar and extend sympathy and solidarity with the bereaved families.
"We extend deep condolences over the death of Margaret Thatcher and wish to extend sympathy to her family," spokesman Hong Lei said at a daily press briefing.
The memorial should be welcomed if intended to commemorate the innocent victims of the tragedy, but should be firmly resisted in any form that may appear to extend sympathy to Nazi fascists.