This article will allude to these differences with the goal of advocating for a stricter burden to be instituted in the Ontario system of regulation to make it more difficult for government bodies to
expropriate private property, particularly in the realm of expropriation for educational purposes.
Do Ontario school boards have too much statutory power? A comparison of expropriation and eminent domain in Ontario and Michigan
It has also sought to declare certain provisions of Republic Act 11212 as invalid or unconstitutional including the provision allowing More Power to
expropriate Peco's assets.
Iloilo power company asks court to decide on expropriation case
CAN a local government unit (LGU)
expropriate private property and contribute the use of that property in a public-private partnership (PPP)?
Expropriations in local PPPs
THE CABINET has rescinded a bizarre 2012 decision to
expropriate land in Moutayiakka belonging to a Turkish Cypriot, after it emerged that no public project was -- or could ever be -- built on the real estate.
Previous cabinet expropriated unsuitable Turkish Cypriot land for housing project
Locals have also complained about government attempts to
expropriate land around the Ormanay-zy, Ecataksu and TaE-ly villages, where ecosystems have been seriously damaged due to the HES project.
Erzurum countryside becomes desert-like due to HES project
Article Two: The concerned authorities shall
expropriate, through direct implementation, the properties, relevant land needed for the aforesaid project, as well as installations over them, in accordance with the provisions of the Public Utility Expropriation Law.
His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said issues seven Royal Decrees
69/2013 Declaring the development of Al Suwaihrah, Sallan and Falaj Al Qabaiel roundabouts in the wilayat of Sohar as a public utility project.Article One: Declares the development of Al Suwaihirah, Sallan and Falaj Al Qabaiel roundabouts in the wilayat of Sohar specified in the attached memo and total diagram as a public utility project.Article Two: The concerned authorities shall
expropriate, through direct implementation, the properties, relevant land needed for the aforesaid project, as well as installations over them, in accordance with the provisions of the Public Utility Expropriation Law.Article Three: The decree comes into force from its date of issue.
Royal Decrees
south of Bethlehem, that it plans to
expropriate his agricultural land,
Israel Tells Palestinian Farmer it Plans to Seize his Land
A letter from the British Consul-general in Jerusalem, Sir Vincent Fean, read: On behalf of the Government of the United Kingdom, I express our deepest regret at the tragic death of Mustafa Tamimi of Nabi Saleh, killed by a tear gas canister during the weekly demonstration against systematic attempts by settlers from the illegal settlement of Halamish to
expropriate the water spring belonging to the villagers of Nabi Saleh.
Britain "Regrets Tragic Death" of Mustafa Tamimi
However, former Russian president Boris Yeltsin suddenly chose the mansion as a residence to entertain foreign delegations and simply ordered to
expropriate the German and asked him to leave the country.
Don't mess with the Bavarians
The farmers - who took seven police officers and court officials hostage on 11 July - are unhappy with the government's attempts to
expropriate their land for the 11,000-acre project, and feel the offer of 60 cents per square metre of land is not enough.
Mexico to improve offer to farmers protesting against new airport
Lazare to
expropriate were revoked but direct royal intervention accelerated) to 1733, when the 1724 experiment to provide royal finance for hopitaux-generaux's mission to confine beggars and put them to work came to a close.
Local Hospitals in Ancien Regime France: Rationalization, Resistance, Renewal, 1530-1789
The House committee on legislative franchises may have overstepped its legislative authority when it unduly delegated to a congressional franchise applicant the power to
expropriate the assets of a private company.
Lawyer questions House committee use of legislative authority granting franchise to electric company
It follows another recent decision that ministries planning to
expropriate land must receive the cabinet's approval before the procedure could start.
Cabinet moves to sort out expropriations mess