The lumber was practically valueless for
export to other settlements across the mountain roads, which were equally rich in timber.
Devils Ford
Notably, an ample proportion of the respondents [43.3 percent] are exporting or planning to
export to look for new markets because the domestic market is small,' the survey said.
SMEs are missing out on export opportunities
* Management Perception toward export barriers: Literature reviewed by Abey and Slater (1989); Zou and Stan (1998) found Management perception toward supposed export barriers such as expected risk, costs involved and intricacy of
export to be the important forecaster's of export excellence.
Determinants of Export Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises
On the other hand, total
export to Kuwait during the quarter, valued at AED 2.2 bn, was just about the same level as in the previous quarter.
First quarter exports of Dubai Chamber members climb to a record high
Want to know how to get a license to
export to China?
You got it all wrong, pal
Countries such as Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium have made
export to China a mainstay of their business portfolio, and, similar to the United States in the early '90s, domestic mills have awakened to the reality that export is here to stay.
Riding the wave: China's growing economy is challenging the way we look at the trading loop
Now 36, she is president of La Femme International Import-Export Inc., a Woodland Hills, California-based firm that produces medical supplies and pharmaceuticals for
export to countries on the African continent, Brazil, and Mexico.
Time to venture abroad: exporting is a multibillion-dollar industry that can be extremely lucrative--if you're properly prepared
and Chinese law, many items that are controlled for
export to China such as high performance computers, certain telecommunications equipment, and certain semiconductor testing equipment and materials do not require a license for
export to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Asian security and Hong Kong's role in the war on global terrorism
Ticona recently closed a $1.5 million deal in Shanghai with Chinese clothing producers to
export to them 250 tons of washed, carded and combed alpaca fiber.
The sweet spot: Latin America's poorest farmers find rich niches in the United States and Europe. (Exporting)