While emergency departments are federally mandated to care for patients regardless of their ability to pay, be sure to
ask about outof-pocket expenses.
Emergency room blues: what you need to know before you visit the hospital
Nearly all insurers
ask about prescription use as an application question.While the predominant value of these database-generated profiles is not detection of antiselective intentions, they do alert insurers when unacknowledged medications associated with impairments conferring excess mortality and morbidity are being taken.
Two faces of nondisclosure: asking the right questions--and doing it well--can reduce the amount of nondisclosure in life and health insurance applications
Alan Keyes will tell you how to conduct your sex life, but don't
ask about his gay child, 'cause he ain't telling.
Don't ask, do sweep
For certain jobs, employers can
ask about previous arrests or convictions and notify applicants that a background check is required, which is within their rights.
Weighing the legality of interview questions. (What the interviewer can and cannot ask you)
If candidates claim to have set up in-house accounting,
ask about accounting software and chart of accounts structure.
Selecting and hiring a practice administrator. (Practice Management)
That address would be relatively easy to determine: A questioner could
ask about each digit in turn.
Guessing secrets: applying mathematics to the efficient delivery of Internet content
In reality, if you do it correctly, almost no one will be offended when you
ask about fraud.
"Why ask?" you ask
Our investors
ask about our strategic plan, with an emphasis on a balance between long-range and short-range planning, growth, and investment required.
Man and The STREET
For instance, if the intent of the scenario is to promote development of decision making ability, then the questions should
ask about different possible decisions and consequences of each.
Clinical Scenarios for Critical Thinking
You may also want to
ask about a "private right of action", which means the right to hire an attorney.
Keep Covered! Sticking UP for Yourself Regarding Health Insurance
Ask about the company's reviews, their daily classes, if rehearsal time is paid, if you're going to sign a union contract, and how many yearly performances are scheduled.
Is college dance in your future?
An example would be to
ask about whether a specific act of abuse occurred.
Child abuse: interviewing possible victims
One of the mistakes McClendon makes is to
ask about domestic policy.
The flack pack: how press conferences turn serious journalists into shills
Paid time off usually includes the following (
ask about the numbers):
Navigating the Job Search Superhighway. (Career Management)
Because I trade actively, the people at Schwab provide me with the latest information on the companies I
ask about." Although few discounters have in-house analysts, most will send investors research materials from sources such as Standard & Poor's, Value Line, Bloomberg and Morningstar.
Full or self service: the amount of help you need investing determines whether you'll need lots of advice or just a firm to clear your trades