"I say that they shall apply neither line nor rule to the seams of your
dress. It is a new method we have invented for measuring people of quality, who are too sensitive to allow low-born fellows to touch them.
The Man in the Iron Mask
The little princess, taking the
dress from the maid, came up to Princess Mary.
War and Peace
Fanny let the
dress lie in her lap a minute as she absently picked at the fringe, smiling to herself over the happy time when she wore it last and Sydney said she only needed cowslips in her lap to look like spring.
An Old Fashioned Girl
The ladies'
dress is yet more magnificent and expensive; their robes are as large as those of the religious, of the order of St.
Voyage to Abyssinia
Lecount, adroitly, "there must be some serious mistake in the making of your niece's
dress. Can you show it to me?"
No Name
With a flying, feminine glance she scanned her attire, and made a movement of her head, hardly perceptible, but understood by Kitty, signifying approval of her
dress and her looks.
Anna Karenina
They say--people who ought to be ashamed of themselves do--that the consciousness of being well
dressed imparts a blissfulness to the human heart that religion is powerless to bestow.
Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow
The mark never came out, and a stain was left on the
dress for ever.
Three Men In A Boat
So she sat, corpse-like, as we played at cards; the frillings and trimmings on her bridal
dress, looking like earthy paper.
Great Expectations
The truth was, that she had run into her little cabin, pulled off her
dress, blackened her face and hands, put on the fur-skin cloak, and was Cat- skin again.
Fairy Tales
"Oh, why didn't you put on your pretty pansy
dress?" asked Anne, when they left home.
Anne of The Island
I didn't suppose God would have time to bother about a little orphan girl's
dress. I knew I'd just have to depend on Marilla for it.
Anne Of Green Gables
"I don't know whether it would have been any better if I could have put on my good clothes," said Cecily, with a rueful glance at her print
dress, which, though neat and clean, was undeniably faded and RATHER short and tight.
The Golden Road
There now, the trays are ready, and everything in but my ball
dress, which I shall leave for Mother to pack," said Meg, cheering up, as she glanced from the half-filled trunk to the many times pressed and mended white tarlatan, which she called her `ball
dress' with an important air.
Little Women
When the others left the great hall he eyed the splendidly
dressed servants of the Princess Ozma as if he expected to be ordered out; but one of them bowed before him as respectfully as if he had been a prince, and said:
The Road to Oz