The proposed 2020
budget for DICT is P5.15 billion, far from its approved budget this year at P7.14 billion.
Over 10 departments face budget cuts
The finance ministry issued Rs190-million supplementary
budget for picking up litigation cost in the Karkey case which a Turkish power generation company filed against Pakistan.
PTI govt spent Rs439b without parliament's approval
Mr Kibe, who quoted a letter by the Controller of Budget dated October 26, castigated the executive for the legal anomalies found on the proposed budget.Among the issues raised by the Controller of Budget were inclusion of recurrent items in the development budget, failure to indicate and
budget for pending bills and delay in establishment of an emergency fund Bill to cater for unforeseen occurrence.
Funds for various projects reduced in Murang'a budget
The finance department officials said there was no official nod whether the incumbent government would seek authorisation of revised
budget for the current financial year 2017-18 or present next three months' budget in the Punjab Assembly.
Punjab indecisive about budget
Deshmukh, the first Indian Governor of the Reserve Bank of India as well as the Finance Minister, presented an interim
budget for 1951-52.
Budget 2018: Interesting facts about Union Budget
The BBA's FY2015 budget resolution provision also specifies various levels associated with mandatory spending and revenue in the absence of agreement on a concurrent resolution on the
budget for FY2015.
Provisions in the bipartisan budget act of 2013 as an alternative to a traditional budget resolution
* Increased the
budget for financial management and development by $81,000 due to expected increases in realty tax and increase in depreciation ($60,000) now that General Synod owns its property 80 Hayden.
Church to sell its option to move: decision not to relocate bookstore will help offset a 2007 deficit
More than 1,000 governments across the United States and Canada now participate in the program, submitting copies of their annual or biennial
budget for consideration.
Serving as a budget reviewer a win-win situation
As you prepare your operating
budget for next year, think about the time-volume relationship of the fiber you transform from raw material to finished product (whatever the definition of finished is on your site or in your profit center).
Budgeting: trains, planes and pulp and paper
In 2001, in its
Budget for Fiscal Year 2002, the Bush administration projected that the federal government would enjoy a $262 billion surplus in 2004.
Who's the biggest spender? Did the federal government spend more under George Bush Sr., Bill Clinton, or George W. Bush? The record may surprise you
To advance America's interests around the world we need the dollars in the President's
budget for FY2004.
The President's International Affairs Budget for 2004. (Legislation and Policy)
The figures are communicated to the Commission by the Chairman of the Standing Committee December European Parliament adopts the EU
Budget for 2003 (ca.
Budgetary procedures
Portland's total school
budget for the 2002-03 school year is $360 million, down $1 million from last year.
Setting the record straight. (editor's letter)
"We believe The Independent
Budget for fiscal year 2003 makes a strong case for eliminating what appears to be a growing crisis in a VA health care system struggling to face soaring health care costs and rising demand from an aging veteran population," Mr.
Budget plans come up short on veterans health care
The challenges you face both in shaping a
budget for the coming year and in designing a longer-mn strategy for fiscal policy have been brought into sharp focus by the budget projections that have been released in the past month and a half.
Testimony of Federal Reserve Officials