dream of doing

dream of (someone or something)

1. To fantasize about someone or something, especially doing something as one's goal or ambition. I've dreamed of being an astronaut since I was eight years old. I've dreamed of this moment. I can't believe it's actually happening. Back in high school, I dreamed of him. Now we're together and he's everything to me.
2. To envision someone or something in one's sleep. While recovering from dental surgery, I actually dreamed of all the foods I couldn't eat. Waking up was quite a disappointment! What does it mean if you keep dreaming of the same thing every night?
See also: dream, of
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

dream of doing something

Fig. to have a fantasy of doing something. (See also dream about someone or something.) I dream of owning a house like that. Clara dreamed of sailing off into the sunset with Roger.
See also: dream, of
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • a fast talker
  • a horse of another
  • a horse of another color
  • a horse of another colour
  • (someone or something) promises well
  • a crack at (someone or something)
  • (one) could use (something)
  • a/the feel of (something)
  • (I) wouldn't (do something) if I were you
  • a thing of the past
References in classic literature
Everywhere I saw men doing, drunk, what they would never dream of doing sober.
"Sometimes a man, especially an Oriental, who does not understand the significance of your sex in these matters, can be drawn on to speak more freely to a woman than he would ever dream of doing to his best friend.
No self-respecting girl could dream of doing such a thing.
He assured me again and again that it was the last thing in the world he would dream of doing in a sober moment.
Of course I should not dream of doing so if I were not your friend.
If poor Athanase had been living, she meant to do as many noble souls, who are moneyless, dream of doing, and as the rich never think of doing,--she meant to have sent him several thousand francs, writing up the envelope the words: "Money due to your father from a comrade who makes restitution to you." This tender scheme had been arranged by Suzanne during her journey.
I should not dream of doing so were it not absolutely certain that I should be able in four days to reclaim it.
What other "University or public-school man" would dream of doing so?
Daredevil Kim Smith's dream of doing a real jump from a plane moved closer after Friday's ride.
If our children and parents choose to plant more than one we can even dream of doing a billion trees on coming Aug 14.
She added: "It's so easy when you're relaxing on holiday to do things you wouldn't dream of doing back home."
Are there still some things that you dream of doing, not necessarily rob a bank?
SPECIAL SKILLS: It was recently revealed here that the very last thing most pusses would ever dream of doing is using something designed specifically for them - namely, the cat flap.
They have carved a career out of something most dream of doing, they date super-models, they live a life too lavish to imagine.
I may never get to hunt exotic game in distant locales, but I can dream of doing so, and articles like these fuel the imagination.