

mod. excellent; powerful. Man, what a brutal tune!
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • fettie
  • base
  • cas
  • dap
  • bluh
  • bousta
  • Hey!
  • lucci
  • horseradish
  • stir
References in classic literature
"The wild Indian is not so brutal and savage as the capitalist class," he answered; and in that moment I hated him.
"A brutal sniff, sniff,--and unprovoked--sniff, sniff-- assault."
But it may be worth while to inquire how the slave-owners, and the class of society to which great numbers of them belong, defer to public opinion in their conduct, not to their slaves but to each other; how they are accustomed to restrain their passions; what their bearing is among themselves; whether they are fierce or gentle; whether their social customs be brutal, sanguinary, and violent, or bear the impress of civilisation and refinement.
Do we not know that the man who has been born and bred among its wrongs; who has seen in his childhood husbands obliged at the word of command to flog their wives; women, indecently compelled to hold up their own garments that men might lay the heavier stripes upon their legs, driven and harried by brutal overseers in their time of travail, and becoming mothers on the field of toil, under the very lash itself; who has read in youth, and seen his virgin sisters read, descriptions of runaway men and women, and their disfigured persons, which could not be published elsewhere, of so much stock upon a farm, or at a show of beasts:- do we not know that that man, whenever his wrath is kindled up, will be a brutal savage?
Sawyer, that a more unmanly, brutal treatment of a little pony it was never my painful lot to witness, and by giving way to such passion you injure your own character as much, nay more, than you injure your horse; and remember, we shall all have to be judged according to our works, whether they be toward man or toward beast."
The Lenin district prosecutor's office reported earlier that the Chui region police officer arrived at the scene of the brutal beating and took away 2 suspects from the scene abusing his powers.
"Test cricket is brutal. It's a sport where countries go hell for leather against each other.
Sikh community is also not ready to live with India due to Modi?s such brutal acts.
"The President is not brutal," presidential spokesman Salvador Panelo said in a statement.
Brutal Frui t enthuses: 'They told us that one woman's gain was our loss.
The brutal murder triggered a deluge of reactions on social media with hashtags demanding just for the girl trending on Twitter.
However, more puzzling is a series of night attacks that have been seen in Gikondi area in the last one month.Following the brutal murder of the baby, the suspect went into hiding but was later arrested near Nyeri Town.
Mushaal warned that the notorious Indian Prime Minister should bear in mind that such brutal and inhuman acts could not deter the Kashmir freedom fighters and they would keep their struggle on till taking the movement of self-determination to its logical conclusion.
While presiding over a meeting held here Saturday, Chairman PCSWHR Muhammad Ejaz Noori said this terrorism was a brutal shape of killing the innocent people.