This dismissal of domestic violence as a valid political concern echoes the logic of many male activists in the
Brown Power movement, who self-consciously embraced machismo as a defining feature of Chicano culture.
Cockroach dreams: Oscar Zeta Acosta, legal services, and the great society coalition
The company is closing its two-unit Sandow Power Plant in Milam County and its two-unit Big
Brown Power Plant in Freestone County.
Luminant to close Central Texas two coal-fuelled power plants
Moreover, subsidies for green power cannot be justified as a good "second best" policy alternative to Pigouvian taxes on
brown power because the green subsidies reduce the price of electricity below its marginal cost and they do not take into account whether the renewable source displaces coal or a cleaner fuel like natural gas.
Electricity production
In a blog post called "
Brown Power at Occupy Wall Street", a blogger described how she and other people of color played a key role in drafting inclusive language in the movement's demands.
Remembering race in occupied Wall Street
Sydney, Australia, June 23, 2010 - (ABN Newswire) - Alinta Energy Group (ASX:AEJ), formerly known as Babcock &
Brown Power, said it has received a number of indicative, non-binding, confidential bids while the power generator is in the process of the restructure of its finance facilities.
Alinta Energy (ASX:AEJ) Received a Number of Bids
Regarding the dispute over the name "La Raza," it is unfortunate that this name for the Mexican people became associated with the
Brown Power movement of the seventies, an important component of the "identity politics" that emerged in that era.
La Raza isn't separatist
Black Power and
Brown Power politics, as well as international liberation movements, linked together several different factors that defined late-1960s African American and Hispanic campus radicalism: local campus protests and demonstrations for the establishment of programs in Black and Latino American Studies; increases in black and Latino student admissions, and an increase in the number of black and brown faculty members.
Developing their minds without losing their soul: black and Latino student coalition-building in New York, 1965-1969
Arcapita wants to conclude two acquisitions in the Asian infrastructure or real estate sectors by June and is also still in the running for buying up the assets of troubled Australian power investment firm Babcock &
Brown Power, he said.
Arcapita rights issue backed
"Renewable energy will be a critical aspect in connecting the next two billion subscribers in off-grid and
brown power areas.
ABI Forecasts Increased 'Green' Mobile Communications
on Thursday said it has been awarded its largest-ever contract in connection with wind power generation projects, which is to supply 443 large wind turbines to Babcock &
Brown Power Operating Partners LLC.
Mitsubishi Heavy wins major wind power deal from Babcock & Brown
Babcock &
Brown Power Operating Partners, together with other Babcock & Brown affiliates, is one of the largest developers, investors, and operators of wind power projects in the U.S.
MHI Wins 443 Wind Turbine Bulk Order for Babcock & Brown U.S. Wind Farm Projects
Lucha Corpi packs this tale with a history of the Chicano movement in the United States and the struggles of the Chicano
brown power group in Denver and the Zapatista movement in Chiapas, Mexico that took place in conjunction with the Civil Rights movement of the late 1960's and early 1970's.
Under a Crimson Moon
The civil rights movement had arrived, and cries of
Brown Power! echoed through the Southwest.