Same thing with the expression that will soon be heard again in the land (unless you live in the Deep South) - "cold as hell." How can a region with fires reportedly raging out of control around the clock be described as cold?
"Hot as hell" I can understand, but you seldom hear it this time of year outside of Florida and Arizona, and then only from transplanted northerners who lack the intestinal fortitude to stay home and face the music.
How the heck can you be smart as hell?
Dante portrayed the depths of the underworld
as Hell frozen over.
Raising hell: what the heck is the deal with Pluto being out in the cold?
"Many even wonder, in fact whether a good God would allow such a thing
as hell."
Is there such a place
as Hell? And if there is, what is it like?
Where the devil is Hell?
Now it is illegal in Belgium for anyone ever again to identify themselves
as Hell's Angels.
Hell's Angels' wings clipped in Belgium