After IFFT, the OFDM signal is fed into the data clipping blocks, where the signal is clipped by the data clipping block.
The clipping ratio (CR) is defined by the following equation:
Higher clipping level values can be applied to the signal for reducing the clipping noise at the expense of increasing the electrical power of the signal.
Obviously, the smaller the value of clipping ratio is, the higher the normalization factor is.
Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Direct Detection Optical OFDM Systems with Clipping and Normalization
Significant effects on tissue N concentration for each harvest period were attributed to clipping, N rate, and clipping x N rate (Table 2).
Significant effects on turfgrass quality for each rating period were attributed to clipping, N rate, and clipping x N rate (Table 3).
Starr and DeRoo (1981) made casual observations of turfgrass quality in relation to clipping management and determined that returning clippings gave turfgrass a greener and "more luxuriant" appearance.
Clipping management and nitrogen fertilization of turfgrass: growth, nitrogen utilization, and quality. (Turfgrass Science)
If you plan to store many clippings in your computer, set up a directory and a host of subdirectories that resemble the organization of a filing cabinet with appropriate folders.
* SCANNING AN ARTICLE saves an the steps of continually filing, and retrieving paper clippings.
Don't clip it, scan it!
Clipping at R1 did not affect light interception, which is consistent with Haile et al.
Although clipping at R4, V5 + R1, and R1 + R4 did not affect branch number in narrow rows (Table 2), clipping at all three growth stages decreased branch number (4.63, 4.63, and 4.57 vs.
Means and ANOVA output for branch number, harvest index (HI), seed yield, and yield components in narrow and wide rows for a control and clipping at V5, R1, R4, and all combinations for soybean planted near Pittstown, NJ, in 1998.
Soybean Light Interception and Yield Response to Row Spacing and Biomass Removal
Limbs, leaves, and grass clippings are considered "waste" and assiduously removed from the urban ecological system.
For cities, lawns also create a logistical nightmare: an endless stream of bagged grass clippings. Now that cities are refusing to remove such clippings, many homeowners have turned to the simplest of solutions: the mulching mower.
Mulching mowers reduce the size of clippings and spread them back on the grass where they rapidly decompose and return to the soil.
Recycling the urban forest