
Related to Dutch: Danish
  • a Dutch uncle
  • be in Dutch (with someone)
  • beat all
  • beat the Dutch
  • do the Dutch
  • don't that beat the Dutch!
  • double Dutch
  • Dutch act
  • Dutch auction
  • Dutch courage
  • Dutch reckoning
  • Dutch treat
  • Dutch uncle
  • Dutch uncle, talk (to one) like a
  • get (one's) Dutch up
  • get in Dutch (with someone)
  • go Dutch
  • if you ain't Dutch, you ain't much
  • if you're not Dutch, you're not much
  • in Dutch
  • in Dutch (with someone)
  • my old dutch
  • talk to
  • that beats the Dutch
  • the Dutch act
  • the Dutch cure
  • the Dutch have taken Holland
References in periodicals archive
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A -- Finger Licking Dutch, a stroopwafel company, is proud to announce they will be having "Free Stroopwafel Day" on August 24th, from 8am-11am (local time zone), with participating (coffee) shops.
The Dutch Director-General also reassured Bangladesh of continuing technical cooperation as well as encouraging Dutch private sector's engagements in the effective implementation of the Delta Plan, particularly in the areas of land reclamation, river dredging, flood defence, and capacity development.
As Shakespeare's mother tongue spreads in lecture halls across the county's 14 universities, the Dutch education department is finalizing a proposal to deal with the matter.
When she lived in Taiwan, Bergvelt was surprised to learn that the Dutch once ruled Taiwan.
The event, organised by the Embassy of the Netherlands, provides a great opportunity to discover and enjoy good, healthy Dutch food and products.
The present volume contributes to the sparse Anglophone historiography of the Dutch Atlantic, emphasizing the ties that the Netherlands and their American colonies forged beyond the Dutch realm.
What are the linguistic roots of Pennsylvania Dutch? Are those roots to be found in the Netherlands, or do they lie somewhere further south?
Dutch did meet Fet but only briefly and during that time she was introduced to the (http://ibtimes.com/strain-season-3-recap-what-happened-episode-6-battle-central-park-saw-feraldo-fet-go-2425236) exterminator's new lover 6 NYPD Captain Kate Rogers (America Olivo).
This color-illustrated coffee table book for aviation aficionados details the history of Dutch aviation during the first half of the 20th century, covering both Dutch commercial and military airplanes and the development of the Dutch airline industry.
by Erik Prins/erik@timesofoman.com Revenues from the upcoming Dutch Night 2016, organised by the Dutch community in Oman, will be used to fund the greenhouses.
M2 EQUITYBITES-August 7, 2015-Royal Dutch Shell updates director's shareholding status
The French part of the island of St Martin-St Maarten is impoverished; the Dutch part is getting richer.
AN Anglesey town's historic wartime link with the Netherlands will be celebrated next week with the unveiling of a memorial and the visit of a Dutch Navy ship.
NNA - The Dutch government said Friday it wants to strip jihadists who go to fight in Syria or Iraq of their passports, even if they have not been convicted of a crime.