References in periodicals archive
With no small amount of arm-twisting, S&W has continued to expand the "Classic" revolver series under Tony Miele's watchful eye.
GORDON Brown will today begin a final round of diplomatic arm-twisting to rally support at this week's G20 summit in London for a package of measures to revive the ailing world economy.
Summary: Gordon Brown appears confident of securing a global deal at the G20 summit as he began a final round of diplomatic arm-twisting.
The arm-twisting needed to back a third runway unearthed stiffer opposition to flogging off part of the Post Office.
It took months of arm-twisting, pleading, and pressure for the White House to secure passage (by just two votes in the House) on March 7, 2006.
Kelly announced the package shortly before Oliver delivered his arm-twisting 271,000-signature petition for the Feed Me Better campaign to Downing Street on March 30.
After further prodding and arm-twisting, the Chinese may agree to such a step, well aware that the little improvement in their terms of trade is nice to have while international competitiveness is not seriously damaged.
after years of agitating, advocating, writing and arm-twisting, there wasn't even a hint of any possibility of change either provincially or federally and that is why we are in court today...."
What Nafzger did not say was that Churchill's director of racing Donnie Richardson had to do some arm-twisting to get Nafzger to run anything in the two races because the trainer (as well as everyone else) knew full well there would be "a bear" entered in each of them.
Goodness knows, the government usually has enough power and can do enough arm-twisting to eventually get what it wants.
There is much arm-twisting going on behind the scenes at Westminster to ensure rebels, including most notably Nick Brown, MP for Newcastle East and Wallsend, fall into line.
Giving to charity should be a conscious act of free will - not as the result of badgering on street corners and verbal arm-twisting. We should give because we WANT to, because we SUPPORT the good cause our money is going to, not because some silver-tongued wideboy has talked us into it.
'We had a lot of willing volunteers and didn't have to do any arm-twisting,' he said.
A medical marijuana bill passed the Republican-controlled Vermont house last year only to be killed by Dean's arm-twisting. The governor justified his actions to the gay press with a succession of whoppers: First, he claimed that the bill would have allowed patients to possess three pounds of marijuana (actually it was three ounces); then he insisted that state medical marijuana laws somehow undermine FDA drug approval.
TENSE phone calls, covert arm-twisting and late-night, last-minute deals - such was the fraught arena in which the world's decision- makers fought over the fate of Iraq.