
Related to clickbait: BuzzFeed


Online articles (especially on social media sites) that use provocative or intriguing headlines (often in combination with images) to drive traffic to the source. I wouldn't put too much faith in that article about "the one food no one should ever eat"—it's probably just clickbait.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • fake news
  • faith
  • strike (one's) fancy
  • strike fancy
  • take (one's) fancy
  • in faith
  • make (the) headlines
  • hit (the) headlines
  • hit the headlines
  • headline
References in periodicals archive
Someone using the death of a parent as clickbait or someone who, in the face of numerous obstacles, reached the height of their profession by their early twenties and used their atform to speak out about injustice?
Por otra parte, la inundacion constante de clickbait podria hacer que esta practica se convirtiera en otra forma de spam, obstruyendo las redes sociales y pudiendo resultar molesta para la experiencia de los usuarios (Potthast, Kopsel, Stein y Hagen, 2016).
"When you're not busy getting sucked into clickbait social media, you're actually spending more time on things that are more likely to make you feel better about your life.
Buyers felt misled and even came out on social media saying that the whole exercise was a "clickbait to get people to visit the page".
"When you are not busy getting sucked into clickbait social media, you are actually spending more time on things that are more likely to make you feel better about your life," said Melissa Hunt from the University of Pennsylvania in the US.
"THE real reason why Camilla is not going to Princess Eugenie's wedding" baited the clickbait on my screen...
Will there be a demand for well-researched, investigative stories, or clickbait pieces for Facebook likes and shares?
Some statistics claim that 9/10 of our present online literature is clickbait.
A new contender for clickbait vapidity has emerged.
We don't rely on clickbait (and therefore endless seemingly scandalous stories about famous folks coming to fisticuffs that turn out to be them simply engaged in gentle banter).
The theme for this year is 'Reclaiming the Value of Journalism: In an Era When Clickbait Is King,' around which the PPI aims to have a discussion that, among others, will highlight how the media, the community press included, could reclaim and assert its role in today's public agora, while upholding news as a public good instead of peddling it as a commodity in an atmosphere severely polluted by misinformation, malinformation, and disinfomation - telltale marks of today's information disorder.
They know people aren't going to move past privacy and data issues, clickbait, fake news and all of the other problems that have permeated the platform in recent years.
Inspired by places like this, last June a flurry of "clickbait listicles" hit the Korean expat blogosphere, encouraging ghost tourism to Jeju.
Blacksburg, VA, March 07, 2018 --( Through all the cat videos and clickbait the Internet provides us, one company is taking a stand to break through the digital noise.
Telling MPs he was formally closing the inquiry, he said that priority should be given to dealing with the challenges of the modern media landscape, such as the rise of clickbait, fake news and social media.