area of influence

area of influence

A realm, domain, or field over which a person, group, or business has direct control, influence, or clout. It refers to a military term for the geographical area in which a commander has direct military influence. As a literature professor, my primary obligation is to my classes; as head of this department, though, my area of influence extends to all students studying English.
See also: area, influence, of
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • take the Browns to the Super Bowl
  • an iron curtain
  • iron curtain
  • eye to the main chance, have an
  • an eye for the main chance
  • an eye on/for/to the main chance
  • a bad apple spoils the (whole) barrel
  • a rotten apple spoils the (whole) barrel
  • a rotten apple spoils the (whole) bunch
  • bushel
References in periodicals archive
The negative lug potential remains constant if there are no contacts in the rectifier's area of influence. From the first rectifier, we plot a straight line to the next rectifier in the system, find a point midway between the two associated units, and identify a gas service riser.