brick house

brick house

A person, typically female, who is full-figured, strong, and sexually attractive. Popularized by the 1977 song "Brick House" by The Commodores. Do you see that brick house at the bar? I'm going to ask her out.
See also: brick, house
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


n. a large-breasted woman. (A confused or euphemistic reference to built like a brick shithouse. Usually objectionable.) Clara’s a real brickhouse. I don’t see how she stands up.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • brickhouse
  • full-figured
  • sit on it
  • turn down for what
  • a rising tide lifts all boats
  • frood
  • nul points
  • no diggity
  • shut up and take my money
References in classic literature
She was a lady, she had fifteen hundred a year, and we used to give nice little dinner parties in our little red brick house in Kensington.
Betty was one of the maids in the little red brick house in Kensington.
He often told his wife that, some time or other, he should be very rich, and would build a "fair brick house" in the Green Lane of Boston.
The prospect of success seemed very small; and most people would have thought that Captain Phips was as far from having money enough to build a "fair brick house" as he was while he tended sheep.
It also enabled him to fulfil his promise to his wife, by building a "fair brick house" in the Green Lane of Boston.
I have some lunch, because mother said it would be a bad beginning to get to the brick house hungry and have aunt Mirandy have to get me something to eat the first thing.-- It's a good growing day, isn't it?"
I live 'bout half a mile beyond the brick house myself."
Had they been farsighted enough they might have seen, when the stage turned into the side dooryard of the old brick house, a calico yoke rising and falling tempestuously over the beating heart beneath, the red color coming and going in two pale cheeks, and a mist of tears swimming in two brilliant dark eyes.
At the unmade road, head up the road until you reach a large red brick house on your left.
A mud brick house in Aradippou collapsed shortly after midnight because of rain which had accumulated for several days.
QHOW do I get masonry paint off my red brick house walls?
2) teamed up to rent half of Brick House in Great Bardfield (Figs.
Senior has led, managed and operated shelters, employment programs and housing programs at organizations such as Yellow Brick House, YWCA Toronto, Macaulay Child Development Centre, Lawrence Heights Community Health Centre and Central Neighbourhood House.
They really got the crowd going with a medley of covers , including Lionel Richie's Brick House, Cameo's Single Life and ABC by the Jackson 5.