

词组 drive away
释义 drive away
  1. drive away sbdrive sb away to behave in a way that makes someone leave you, especially someone that you had a relationship with:
    His heavy drinking and violent temper eventually drove Beth away.
  2. drive sb awaydrive away sb if something drives away people such as customers and tourists, it makes them stop coming to a place:
    Reports in the media about drug related crime in Golden Gate Park are driving visitors away.
    For the past 30 years composers have been writing music that ordinary people don't like, and they have driven audiences away.
    SIMILAR TO: ↑put off
  3. drive away sthdrive sth away if something drives away a thought or a feeling, especially an unpleasant one, it makes you stop thinking about it or feeling it:
    Kerry kissed him, and that one kiss drove away all his pain, and filled his heart with happiness.
    SIMILAR TO: banish formal




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