

词组 chase
释义 chase
  [chased, chased, chasing]
 chase after
  1. chase after sth to use a lot of time and effort trying to get something that you want:
    During elections, politicians have to chase after thousands of dollars to support their campaign.
    We spend the morning chasing after bargains in the sales.
  2. chase after sb to try very hard to have a romantic or sexual relationship with someone:
    Jacob never stopped chasing after young women, even when he was married.
    If you keep chasing after guys like that, they're never going to be interested in you.
 chase away
   chase sb/sth awaychase away sb/sth to make a person or animal go away by running towards them in a threatening way:
    The storekeeper chased the men away with his gun.
    Two large dogs brutally attacked a 10-year-old boy until a neighbor chased them away.
    SIMILAR TO: ↑chase off
 chase down
   chase down sb/sthchase sb/sth down to succeed in finding or catching someone or something:
    Police departments concentrate on chasing down criminals, rather than helping communities to prevent crime.
    Latapy broke through the 49ers defense, chased down the ball, and scored a touchdown.
 chase off
   chase off sb/sthchase sb/sth off to make a person or animal go away by scaring them or running towards them in a threatening way:
    We still talk about the time Grandpa chased off a gang of boys with the kitchen broom.
    A Navy ship was attacked by two smaller boats, but managed to chase them off before any harm was done.
    SIMILAR TO: ↑chase away
 chase up
  1. chase up sbchase sb up BrE to remind someone to do something they promised to do for you:
    I had to chase Dick up to get the reports I asked for last week.
  2. chase sth upchase up sth BrE to try to find something because people need it:
    Can you chase up that file for me?
  3. chase up sthchase sth up BrE to try to make sure that something is paid or done, especially when it has taken too long:
    The company employs a team of 20 people to chase up unpaid bills.




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