

词组 back
释义 back
  [backed, backed, backing]
 back away
  1. back away to move backwards so that you are further away from someone or something, often because you are afraid or nervous:
    "Are you crazy?" she cried, backing away in horror.
    The gunman began backing away from the counter, watching the cashier the whole time.
  2. back away to become unwilling to do something that you promised or planned to do, especially because you do not support the idea or plan any more:
    We thought we had a deal, but the seller is starting to back away.
    The government has been accused of backing away from a promise to increase welfare benefits.
    SIMILAR TO: ↑back off
 back down
   back down to accept that you cannot win an argument or fight and stop trying to win, or accept that you are wrong and change your decision, when you do not want to do this:
    The union refused to back down and called for immediate strike action.
    In the end Krushchev backed down and agreed to remove the missiles from Cuba.
   + on/over
    The government may have to back down on some of its transport policies if it wants to win the next election.
    SIMILAR TO: ↑give in
 back off
  1. back off to move backwards so that you are further away from someone or something:
    He backed off immediately when I told him I had breath.
    SIMILAR TO: ↑back away
  2. back off to stop trying to influence or force someone to do or think something:
    You should back off for a while and let Alan make his own decisions.
    SIMILAR TO: ↑lay off
  3. back off to gradually become unwilling to do something that you promised to planned to do, especially because you do not support the idea or plan any more
   + from
    The President is backing off from his plans to accelerate democratic change.
    SIMILAR TO: ↑back away
  4. back off! spoken, especially AmE used to tell someone to go away and stop annoying or criticizing you or another person:
    Hey, back off, buddy! Can't you see it's none of your business?
 back onto/on to
   back onto/on to sth BrE if a building backs onto something such as a river, field, or road, the back of the building faces it and you can see it or reach it from there:
    an old black and white pub, backing on to the river
    The house backs onto a field and a nature reserve beyond.
 back out
   back out to decide not to do something that you have agreed to do:
    The actress who was originally going to play the part backed out at the last minute.
    She's made a promise and she can't back out of it now.
    SIMILAR TO: ↑pull out
 back up
  1. back up sthback sth up to prove that something is true:
    There was no scientific evidence to back up their claims.
    It was fortunate that the videotape backed up the manager's story.
    SIMILAR TO: support
  2. back sb upback up sb to support someone by saying that they are telling the truth:
    Peggy was there too. She'll be able to back me up.
    He swears he's telling the truth and has witnesses who will back him up.
  3. back up sb/sthback sb/sth up to provide help or support for someone or something:
    Officials discussed the possibility of using military forces to back up the police.
    a series of security arrangements which would back up a peace deal
    solar power, backed up by a propane generator
    back-up n singular, U help or support for someone or something:
    Several police cars provided back-up for the officers.
    back-up adj always before noun back-up systems, services, or equipment are designed to be used if the main one does not work effectively:
    Nuclear reactors have superbly efficient back-up systems in case of emergencies.
  4. back up sthback sth up to make a copy of information on a computer, and store it on a separate disk or tape so that the information is safe if there is a problem with the computer:
    You should back up your data at least once a week.
    back-up n C a copy of information on a computer:
    The tape drive does an automatic back-up every lunchtime.
    Remember to keep back-ups of all your important files.
    back-up adj always before noun used or produced when you make a copy of information on a computer:
    back-up disks
    a back-up copy
  5. back upback up sthback sth up if you back up or back a vehicle up, you drive backwards:
    Will you back up a bit so that I can get through, please?
    The driver backed the taxi up to the hotel door.
    SIMILAR TO: reverse BrE
  6. back up if traffic backs up, it stops moving and forms a long line because there are so many vehicles:
    If you leave town after five o'clock the traffic starts backing up really badly.




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