

词组 get in
释义 get inv. phr.1To be admitted. 被录取。◆ Andy wants to go to medical school but his grades aren't good enough for him to get in.安迪想进医学院,但他的分数不够好,不可能被录取。2To arrive. 到达。◆ What time does the plane from New York get in?从纽约开来的飞机什么时候到达?3To enter. 进入。◆ "Get in the car, and let's go," Tom said in a hurry.“上车,咱们走,”汤姆急匆匆地说。4To put in stock; receive. 进货;收到。◆ The store just got in a new shipment of shoes from China.这家商店刚刚收到了从中国新运来的一批鞋。




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