

词组 shoot up
释义 shoot upv.1To grow quickly. 快速成长;迅速长高。◆ Billy had always been a small boy, but when he was thirteen years old he began to shoot up.比利一直是个矮小的男孩,但到了13岁时就开始一下子长高了。2To arise suddenly. 突然升起。◆ As we watched, flames shot up from the roof of the barn.我们正看着,火焰突然从谷仓顶上喷了出来。3informal To shoot or shoot at recklessly; shoot and hurt badly.〖非正式〗开枪乱射;开枪打伤。◆ The cowboys got drunk and shot up the bar room.牛仔们喝醉了,在酒吧里开枪乱射。◆ The soldier was shot up very badly.那位士兵被严重射伤。4To take drugs by injection. 注射毒品。◆ A heroin addict will shoot up as often as he can.吸海洛因成瘾的人经常要注射毒品。




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