

词组 second class
释义 second classn.1The second best or highest group; the class next after the first. 第二流;二级。◆ Joe was good enough in arithmetic to be put in the second class but was not good enough for the first.乔的算术不错,可以列为第二流,但还没好到可以列为第一流。2The place or quarters, especially on a ship, train, or airplane which people travel who pay the next to the highest fare. (火车车厢、轮船舱位、飞机座位的)二等。◆ Aunt May bought a ticket to travel in the second class on the boat trip.梅阿姨买了一张二等舱的船票旅行。3A class of mail that includes magazines and newspapers published at least four times a year. 第二类邮件。




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