

词组 fool around or mess around or play around or monkey around
释义 fool around or mess around or play around or monkey aroundv., informal 1To spend time playing, fooling, or joking instead of being serious or working; waste time. 〖非正式〗闲荡,鬼混;浪费时间。◆ If you go to college, you must work, not fool around.如果你上大学,你就必须好好学习,不可鬼混。2To treat or handle carelessly. 玩弄;随便对待(或处理)。◆ Bob cut himself by fooling around with a sharp knife.鲍勃拿着一把很快的小刀玩弄,结果伤了自己。◆ Suzie says she wishes John would quit playing around with the girls and get married.苏茜说她希望约翰不要再跟姑娘们鬼混,应该结婚才是。3or fiddle around To work or do something in an irregular or unplanned way; tinker. 瞎摆弄;乱弄;笨手笨脚地做事。◆ Jimmy likes to monkey around with automobile engines.吉米喜欢摆弄汽车发动机。




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