

词组 run through
释义 run throughv.1To make a hole through, especially with a sword; pierce.(尤指用剑)刺穿;穿透。◆ The pirate was a good swordsman, but the hero finally ran him through. 那名海盗的剑术很好,但那位英雄最终还是用剑刺穿了他的身体。2To spend recklessly; use up wastefully. 挥霍;很快花完。◆ The rich man's son quickly ran through his money.那个富人的儿子很快就把他的钱挥霍光了。3To read or practice from beginning to end without stopping. 从头到尾一口气读完(或排练完)。◆ The visiting singer ran through his numhers with the orchestra just before the program.来访的歌手在演出前与乐队一起将他要演唱的歌曲逐个排练了一遍。




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