

词组 stand for
释义 stand forv.1To be a sign of; make you think of; mean. 代表;象征;意味着。◆ The letters "U. S. A." stand for "United States of America."字母“U. S. A.”代表“美利坚合众国”。◆ The written sign "=" in an arithmetic problem stands for "equals."算术题中的书面记号“=”代表“等于”。2To speak in favor of something, or show that you support it. 主张;赞成;支持。◆ The new president stood for honest government.新总统提倡诚实执政。3Chiefly British To try to be elected for. 〖主英〗竞选;争取被选为。◆ Three men from London are standing for Parliament.来自伦敦的3个人在竞选议员。4informal To allow to happen or to be done; permit. — Usually used in the negative. 〖非正式〗容忍;允许。——通常用于否定句。◆ The teacher will not stand for fooling in the classroom.老师不会容忍学生在教室里胡闹。




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