

词组 cut a swathe
释义 cut a swathev. phr.1aTo mow a path through a field.(在田野)割草开路。◆ The farmer cut a swathe through the high grass with his scythe.农夫用长柄镰刀割去深草开出了一条路。1bTo cut down as if by mowing. 如割草般砍倒。◆ The machine gun cut a swathe in the lines of enemy soldiers.那挺机枪把一排排的敌兵扫倒了。2informal To attract notice; make an impression; seem important. 〖非正式〗惹人注目;出风头;装出了不起的样子。◆ John tries to show off and cut a big swathe with the girls.约翰想在姑娘们面前炫耀一番出出风头。




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