

词组 cover up
释义 cover upv., informal (stress on up)(重读up)〖非正式〗1To hide something wrong or bad from attention. 掩盖;掩饰。◆ The spy covered up his picture-taking by pretending to be just a tourist.那个间谍假装成一名旅游者,以掩饰他的拍照。2In boxing: To guard your head and body with your gloves, arms, and shoulders.(拳击赛中以手套、臂、肩)护住头部和身体。◆ Jimmy's father told him to cover up and protect his chin when he boxed.吉米的父亲告诉他在拳击比赛中要护住下颚。3To protect someone else from blame or punishment; protect someone with a lie or alibi. — Often used with for.(以谎言或不在犯罪现场的证据)包庇某人;掩护某人。——常与for连用。◆ The burglar's friend covered up for him by saying that he was at his home when the robbery occurred.那名窃贼的朋友包庇他,说窃案发生时他正在他家里。




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