

词组 cover one's tracks or cover up one's tracks
释义 cover one's tracks or cover up one's tracksv. phr.1To hide and not leave anything, especially foot marks, to show where you have been, so that no one can follow you. 消灭痕迹;掩盖行踪。◆ The deer covered his tracks by running in a stream.鹿在小溪中奔跑以掩盖行踪。2informal To hide or not say where you have been or what you have done; not tell why you do something or what you plan to do. 〖非正式〗隐匿自己的活动(或计划)。◆ The boys covered their tracks when they went swimming by saying that they were going for a walk.那些男孩子为了不让别人知道他们去游泳,便说他们要去散步。




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